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Are we ready? CBT and addictions

Call for Contributions to The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (tCBT)

Special Issue: Are we ready? CBT and addictions.

Guest Editors: Sarah Stacey & Emma Griffith

Addictions such as gambling, in addition to dependence on alcohol or other drugs, cause significant psychological distress to individuals and people around them. CBT is a recommended treatment for addictions, as well as for many co-occurring mental health difficulties. Often, however, people with addiction difficulties find themselves unable to access evidence-based therapy because their needs are perceived as too complex, or because the intersectional nature of disadvantage means that they are unable to meet the engagement requirements of some services. Applications of CBT to addictions, contextual considerations and adaptations have received relatively little attention in the research literature.

The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (tCBT) invites you to contribute to a special issue aiming to draw attention to this topic and to approach it from an evidence-based perspective.

We are keen to publish original articles that fit with the following scope:

  • Studies that investigate the experiences of CBT practitioners and/or patients in relation to addictions work; including quantitative, qualitative or clinical case studies.
  • Studies that investigate interventions for co-occurring mental health difficulties in populations with addiction difficulties.
  • Empirical papers examining psychological mechanisms in the links between addiction and mental health.
  • Literature reviews or meta-analyses related to the above topics.
  • Empirically grounded clinical guidance papers on how to adapt CBT to effectively engage with people with addiction difficulties, especially with marginalised populations and especially with a contextual as well as individual focus.
  • Service model/design papers which describe the structures, culture and ethos required to deliver effective CBT services in this area.
  • The application of cognitive and behavioural theories in formulating the intersection of addictions, social factors and health inequalities. 

The deadline for article submissions will be 30th April 2025. All submissions must be through the submission portal:

If you have any queries about this Special Issue, then please email us at