Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 June 2017
The response of sweet white lupin to several herbicides was evaluated over five years at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (PEI) and two years at Cornhill, New Brunswick (NB). Excellent crop tolerance was found to the herbicides: chloramben, ethalfluralin, fluazifop-P, linuron, metobromuron, metolachlor, and trifluralin. None of the above herbicides affected crop grain yield or 1000 seed weight. Sweet white lupin was slightly injured by metribuzin at 500 g ai/ha but yields and 1000 seed weight were not affected. Higher rates of metribuzin reduced lupin yield and 1000 seed weight. Imazethapyr applied POST with 0.25% v/v Agral 90 and 1.0% v/v 28% N fertilizer caused severe crop injury and reduced lupin yields.