1. Model and main result
1.1 Definitions and some notation
$n \geq 1$
be an integer. A meandric system of size
is a collection of non-crossing loops in the plane that intersect the horizontal axis exactly at the points
$[2n] \;:\!=\; \{1, \ldots, 2n \}$
. We call these points the vertices of the meandric system; two meandric systems that differ only by a continuous deformation of the plane that fixes the horizontal axis are regarded as the same. Meandric systems were introduced, to our knowledge, by Di Francesco, Golinelli, and Guitter [Reference Di Francesco, Golinelli and Guitter1] and have recently become again a topic of interest [Reference Borga, Gwynne and Park2, Reference Féray and Thévenin4, Reference Kargin6]. A meandric system can be regarded as a set of
non-crossing arcs with endpoints
in the upper half-plane and another such set in the lower half-plane; a meandric system thus determines two non-crossing matchings (pair-partitions) of
, one for each half-plane, and it is easily seen that this yields a bijection between meandric systems of size
and pairs of two non-crossing matchings of
. In particular, since the number of non-crossing matchings of
is the Catalan number,

see, for example, [Reference Stanley7, item 61], the number of meandric systems of size
Each connected component of a meandric system is a single loop, intersecting the horizontal axis in a subset of
, say
$\left \{i_1\lt \dots \lt i_{2k}\right \}$
, which we call the support of the loop. Note that necessarily, there is an even number of vertices in the support and an even number of integers in each gap
, that is,
is odd for
$1\le j\lt 2k$
. We say that two such loops have the same shape if they differ only by a translation. Thus, we may normalise each shape to have leftmost vertex
and make the following formal definition:
Definition 1.1.
A shape is a (connected) non-crossing loop
whose support is a set of integers
$\left \{ i_1=1 \lt i_2 \lt \cdots \lt i_{2k} = 2\ell \right \}$
, for some
$k,\ell \geq 1$
, such that
is odd for all
$1 \leq j \leq 2k-1$
be a meandric system and
be a connected component of
. We say that
has shape
differ only by a translation.
Our main theorem is the following. We prove two special cases as Theorems 3.1 and 4.4 and prove the remaining, more difficult, case in Section 4.2. In the paper,
$\overset{(d)}{\rightarrow }$
$\overset{\mathbb{P}}{\rightarrow }$
denote, respectively, convergence in distribution and convergence in probability.
Theorem 1.2.
Fix a shape
. Let
be a uniformly random meandric system of size
(i.e. on
$[\![ 1, 2n ]\!]$
) and denote by
the number of connected components of
with shape
. Then,
satisfies a central limit theorem: there exist
$\mu _S, \sigma _S \gt 0$
such that

denotes the standard normal distribution.
Observe that the convergence
$\frac{X_{S,n}}{n} \underset{n \rightarrow \infty }{\overset{{\mathbb{P}}}{\rightarrow }} \mu _S$
for some constant
$\mu _S$
was already obtained in ref. [Reference Féray and Thévenin4], with an explicit expression for
$\mu _S$
2. Preliminaries
2.1 More notation
For integers
$m\le n$
$[\![ m,n ]\!]$
denotes the integer interval
$[m,n]\cap \mathbb{Z}$
. The size of
$[\![ m,n ]\!]$
is its number of points, that is,
. Note that
$[n]=[\![ 1,n ]\!]$
For a component
of a meandric system, we denote by
), the leftmost (rightmost) point in the support of
. Furthermore, we say that the base of
is the interval
$[\![ L_C,R_C ]\!]$
and let
$\ell (C)$
denote the half-length of
, defined as half the size of its base, that is,
$\ell (C)\;:\!=\;\frac 12(R_C-L_C+1)$
. (Note that
$\ell (C)$
always is an integer.) We use the same definitions for a shape
; then
, and thus
$R_S=2\ell (S)$
For integers
$N \ge k \geq 0$
, we let

-th descending factorial of
We use standard
notation. Furthermore, for two (positive) sequences
$a_n\sim b_n$
$a_n/b_n\to 1$
$n\to \infty$
, that is,
, and
$a_n=\Theta (b_n)$
means that there exist constants
$c\gt 0$
such that
$c \le a_n/b_n \le C$
for sufficiently large
. Note that, for example,
$a_{n,r}\sim b_{n,r}$
$r=O(\sqrt n)$
means that this holds for every sequence
$r=r(n)=O(\sqrt n)$
, which is equivalent to
$a_{n,r}\sim b_{n,r}$
uniformly for
$r\le C\sqrt n$
, for any
$C\lt \infty$
; uniformity in
is thus automatic in such cases. We write ‘uniformly for
$r=O(\sqrt n)$
’ for ‘uniformly for
$r\le C\sqrt n$
, for any
$C\lt \infty$
’. Unspecified limits are as
$n\to \infty$
2.2 The key tool: Gao and Wormald’s theorem
Our proof relies on a theorem due to Gao and Wormald [Reference Gao and Wormald5], stating that we can deduce a central limit theorem for a sequence of variables from the asymptotic behaviour of their high (factorial) moments. Let us recall this result.
Theorem 2.1 (Gao & Wormald [Reference Gao and Wormald5]). Let
$\mu _ns_n \gt - 1$
and set
$\sigma _n\;:\!=\; \sqrt{\mu _n + \mu _n^2 s_n}$
, where
$0\lt \mu _n \rightarrow \infty$
. Suppose that
$\sigma _n=o(\mu _n)$
$\mu _n=o(\sigma _n^3)$
, and that a sequence
$\{X_n \}$
of nonnegative random variables satisfies as
$n \rightarrow \infty$

uniformly for all integers
in the range
$c\mu _n/\sigma _n \leq r \leq C \mu _n/\sigma _n$
, for some constants
$C\gt c\gt 0$
. Then
$(X_n-\mu _n)/\sigma _n$
converges in distribution to a standard normal variable as
$n \rightarrow \infty$
In other words, if high factorial moments of a variable asymptotically match those of a normal distribution, then convergence to the normal distribution holds.
2.3 Some lemmas
We state some simple lemmas that will be used later. The first is a well-known estimate that we often will use in the sequel.
Lemma 2.2.
1. If
$0\le k\le n/2$ , then
(2.3)\begin{align} (n)_k = n^k\exp \Bigl (-\frac{k^2}{2n}+O\Bigl (\frac{k^3}{n^2}+\frac{k}{n}\Bigr )\Bigr ) . \end{align}
2. In particular, if
$k=O(\sqrt n)$ , then
(2.4)\begin{align} (n)_k = n^k\exp \Bigl (-\frac{k^2}{2n}+o(1)\Bigr ) \sim n^k\exp \Bigl (-\frac{k^2}{2n}\Bigr ) . \end{align}
3. More generally, if
$0\le k\le m$ with
$m=O(\sqrt n)$ , then
(2.5)\begin{align} (n-m+k)_k \sim n^k\exp \Bigl (-\frac{m^2-(m-k)^2}{2n}\Bigr ) = n^k\exp \Bigl (-\frac{k(2m-k)}{2n}\Bigr ) . \end{align}
Proof. (i), (ii): This follows easily from a Taylor expansion of
$\log (1-i/n)$
$0\le i\lt k$
; we omit the details.
(iii): This follows from (ii) and
$(n-m+k)_k = (n)_m/(n)_{m-k}$
As one consequence, we obtain the following asymptotics.
Lemma 2.3.
$n\to \infty$
$0\le r=O(\sqrt n)$
. Then

Proof. The definition (1.1) and Lemma 2.2 yield

We end this section with another elementary and well-known result.
Lemma 2.4.
$m, n, k \geq 1$
. The number of unordered
-tuples of disjoint intervals of size
is given by

Proof. By deleting all points except the leftmost in each chosen interval, we obtain a bijection between the set of such
-tuples of intervals and the set of
-tuples of distinct points in
3. The first example: components of half-length
As a warm-up, we consider first the simple case where
is the loop of half-length
. For any
$i \in [2n]$
, we let
be the indicator that the following holds:

and thus, for every
$r\ge 1$
, summing over
$1\le i_1\lt \dots \lt i_r\lt 2n$

The expectation in the last sum is non-zero if and only if the
$[\![ i_j,i_j+1 ]\!]$
$[\![ 1,2n ]\!]$
are disjoint, so by Lemma 2.4, there are
non-zero terms. Each of the non-zero terms is
times the number of meandric systems of size
that contain
given loops of half-length
; by deleting these loops (and the vertices in them), we obtain a bijection between such meandric systems and the meandric systems of size
, and hence the number of them is
. Consequently, (3.2) yields

In particular, using Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3, if
$r=O(\sqrt n)$
, then

In other words, (2.2) holds (uniformly) for
$0\le r\le C\sqrt n$
, for any fixed
$C\lt \infty$
, with

We have
$\mu _ns_n=-3/16\gt -1$
, and thus

We thus have
$\sigma _n=o(\mu _n)$
$\mu _n=o(\sigma _n^3)$
, and consequently Theorem 2.1 applies and yields:
Theorem 3.1.
is a simple loop of half-length 1, then

This is Theorem 1.2 for this particular choice of
, with
$\mu _S=1/8$
$\sigma ^2_S=13/128$
4. Extension to any fixed shape
Let us now show how we can extend this result to any fixed shape
. We now let
be the indicator that there is a component
of shape
such that
; note that (3.1) and (3.2) still hold.
Recall that
$\ell (S)$
is the half-length of
, so
has base
$[\![ 1,2\ell (S) ]\!]$
. We also define here three other constants
$K(S), c_+(S), c_-(S)$
depending on
. To avoid heavy notation, we will drop the argument
in what follows and only denote them by
$K,c_+, c_-$
Definition 4.1.
(See an example in Figure
) Observe that a component
of shape
, taken along with the horizontal axis, splits the plane into two unbounded faces, each belonging to one of the half-planes, and a certain number of bounded faces. Let
denote the unbounded face in the upper half-plane,
the one in the lower half-plane, and
the set of bounded faces. For a face
, let
$\nu (F)$
be the number of vertices in
$[\![ L_C,R_C ]\!]$
that lie on the boundary of
but not on
, and observe that necessarily
$\nu (F)$
is even. We then set

Note that these constants do not depend on the set of vertices on which
is defined, but only on its shape
4.1 Strong shapes
We say that two components overlap if their bases overlap. Hence, if the components have the same shape
, and the leftmost points in their supports are
, they overlap if
$|j-i|\lt 2\ell (S)$

Figure 1. A component
with four bounded faces
$F_1, F_2, F_3, F_4$
. In this example, we have
$K(S)=\mathrm{Cat}_1^2 \mathrm{Cat}_2 \mathrm{Cat}_3=10$
, and
, where
is the shape of
For simplicity, we study first the case when this cannot happen. We say that a shape
is strong if two different components of a meandric system that both have shape
cannot overlap. Thus, if
is strong, then
$|j-i|\lt 2\ell (S)$
. The simple loop in Section 3 and the loop in Fig. 1 are examples of strong shapes. A shape that is not strong is called weak; an example is given in Fig. 2.
Proposition 4.2.
be a strong shape of half-length
$\ell (S)$
. Then, for all
$r \geq 1$
, we have

Proof. We argue as in Section 3. As noted above, (3.2) still holds, and since
is strong, we have
$|j-i|\lt 2\ell (S)$
. Hence, the number of non-zero terms in (3.2) is
$\binom{2n-r(2\ell (S)-1)}{r}$
by Lemma 2.4. Again, all non-zero terms have the same value, which is
times the number of ways that
given disjoint loops of shape
can be completed to a meandric system of size
. We can fill in the bounded faces of each component in
ways, and there are
$2n-2r\ell (S)+2rc_\pm$
vertices left in the upper and lower components, respectively, so they may be filled in
$\mathrm{Cat}_{n-r\ell (S)+rc_\pm }$
ways. This yields (4.4).
By Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3, it follows from (4.4) that, (uniformly) for
, we have

This is (2.2) with

In order to apply Theorem 2.1, we need to check that
$\mu _ns_n \gt -1$
, which boils down to the following.

Figure 2. Two components of same shape overlapping. Here,
$\operatorname{\mathbb E}{}[Y_1 Y_7]\gt 0$
, while
$2\ell (S)=10$
Lemma 4.3. We have

Proof. Observe that we can bound
using the fact that
$\mathrm{Cat}_n \leq \frac{4^n}{n+1}$
for all
. It is easy to see that for given
, out of all possible choices of components with these values of
$c_{\pm }$
is largest if there is only one bounded face in each half-plane, and thus,

$c_++c_- \leq \ell (S)-1$
(to see this, observe that a vertex cannot belong to both unbounded faces of
and that at least two vertices belong to
). This yields (4.8) directly.
It is clear that
$\mu _n \rightarrow \infty$
. Furthermore, we have just proved that
$1+ \mu _n s_n$
is a positive constant. Thus
$\sigma _n=\Theta (\sqrt{\mu _n})$
, and hence
$\sigma _n=o(\mu _n)$
$\mu _n = o(\sigma _n^3)$
. We can therefore apply Theorem 2.1 to obtain the central limit theorem in this case too:
Theorem 4.4.
be a strong shape. Then


This proves Theorem 1.2 in the case when
is a strong shape, with explicit formulas for
$\mu _S$
$\sigma _S$
4.2 Weak shapes
Finally, we study the case of a weak shape
. Thus, now there may be overlaps between two components of shape
, that is, two indices
$i\lt j$
such that
$|j-i|\lt 2\ell (S)$
$Y_i Y_j=1$
, where
is defined as before. See Fig. 2 for an example.
be the set of all
$ E \;:\!=\; \{ i_1, \ldots, i_r \}$
$1 \leq i_1\lt \cdots \lt i_r \leq 2n$
. For any such
, define an equivalence relation
$\sim _E$
$\{ 1,\ldots, r \}$
as the smallest one (for the inclusion of the equivalence classes) satisfying: for all
$1 \leq k_1, k_2 \leq r$
such that
$|i_{k_1} - i_{k_2}| \lt 2\ell (S)$
$k_1 \sim _E k_2$
. We call the equivalence classes of
$\sim _E$
blocks. Furthermore, for
$1 \leq j \leq r$
, we let
be the set of
$E\in A^r$
that have exactly
blocks. Thus
$A^r=\bigsqcup _{j=1}^r A^r_j$
. Note that
is the set of
such that all blocks are singletons. An
corresponds to a collection
of loops of shape
, shifted such that
. In particular,
$E\in A_r^r$
if and only if these loops are non-overlapping.
Define, for all
$1 \leq u \leq r$

By the argument in the proof of Proposition 4.2,
is the contribution to
$\operatorname{\mathbb E}{}[(X_{S,n})_u]$
-tuples of non-overlapping components.
We have the following estimates:
Lemma 4.5.
be a weak shape.
(i) For all
$r\ge 1$ ,
(4.13)\begin{equation} \operatorname{\mathbb E}{}[(X_{S,n})_r] \geq r! F_r. \end{equation}
(ii) For all
$1 \leq u \leq r$ ,
(4.14)\begin{align} \sum _{E \in A^r_u} \operatorname{\mathbb E}{}\left [\prod _{i \in E}Y_i\right ] &\leq \binom{r-1}{u-1} (2\ell (S))^{r-u} F_u. \end{align}
(iii) For each fixed
$M \geq 0$ , uniformly for
$r=O(\sqrt{n})$ with
$r\ge 2M$ ,
(4.15)and, if also\begin{align} \sum _{E \in A^r_{r-M}} \operatorname{\mathbb E}{}\left [\prod _{i \in E}Y_i\right ] = \Theta \left (r^M F_{r-M}\right ) \end{align}
$r\to \infty$ ,
(4.16)where\begin{align} \sum _{E \in A^r_{r-M}(1,2)} \operatorname{\mathbb E}{}\left [ \prod _{i \in E} Y_i \right ] = (1-o(1))\sum _{E \in A^r_{r-M}} \operatorname{\mathbb E}{}\left [ \prod _{i \in E} Y_i \right ], \end{align}
$A^r_{r-M}(1,2)$ is the subset of
$A^r_{r-M}$ made only of blocks of sizes
$1$ or
$2$ .
Proof of Lemma 4.5. (i): We rewrite (3.2) as

The term with
yields the contribution from
-tuples of non-overlapping components, which as noted after (4.12) is
$r! F_r$
(ii): For each
$E\in A^r_u$
, keep in the product only the leftmost point of each block, observing that, for any sets
$A \subseteq B \subseteq [\![ 1, 2n ]\!]$
, we have
$\operatorname{\mathbb E}{}\left [ \prod _{i \in B} Y_i \right ] \leq \operatorname{\mathbb E}{}\left [ \prod _{i \in A} Y_i\right ]$
. Note that this set of leftmost points belongs to
. If the size of the
-th leftmost block is
, then for each set of leftmost points, the number of possible positions of the other
points in the block is at most
$(2\ell (S))^{j_i-1}$
, since each point after the first is within
$2\ell (S)$
of the preceding one. Hence,

Finally, this yields (4.14), since the number of allowed sequences
$\prod _{i=1}^u (2\ell (S))^{j_i-1} =(2\ell (S))^{r-u}$
for all of them.
(iii): We partition the set
as follows. Consider an
$T \;:\!=\; (T_1, \ldots, T_{r-M})$
of integers
$\geq 1$
, of sum
, and consider also a function
which, to each
$1 \leq i \leq r-M$
, associates a
of integers
$1 \;=\!:\;\, j_{i,1} \lt j_{i,2} \lt \ldots \lt j_{i,T_i}$
such that, for all
$1 \leq k \leq T_i-1$
$j_{i,k+1}-j_{i,k} \lt 2\ell (S)$
, and, furthermore, the
loops of shape
that start at the vertices
) are disjoint so that they may occur together as components in a meandric system. (We call such pairs
admissible.) Denote by
the subset of
made of
such that the
-th leftmost block of
has size
, and if this block is
$\left \{a^1_i, \ldots, a^{T_i}_i\right \}$
, then we have
$a_i^{k+1}-a_i^k = j_{i,k+1}-j_{i,k}$
for all
$1 \leq k \leq T_i-1$
. In other words,
accounts for all
-tuples of components with
blocks, where the sizes of the blocks are given, as well as the intervals between the starting points of each component of shape
in each block. Hence,
is the union
$\bigcup A_{T,J}$
over all admissible pairs
Since we only consider
such that

there at most
$T_i\gt 1$
and thus at least
indices with
. Note also that if
, then trivially,
. Given an admissible pair
, we define the reduced pair
by deleting all
such that
; thus
$\widehat{T}\;:\!=\;(T_i\;:\;1\le i\le r-M \textrm{ and }T_i\gt 1)$
and similarly for
. Consequently,
are both sequences of (the same) length
$\le M$
. Since (4.19) implies that their entries are bounded (for a fixed
), there is only a finite set
of reduced pairs
, where
depends on
but not on
Conversely, given an admissible reduced pair
, with
, we can obtain
different (admissible) pairs
. Note that here, by (4.19), since each
$\widehat{T}_i\ge 2$

with equality if and only if
for all
$i\le k$
We now want to understand the behaviour of
$\sum _{E \in A_{T,J}} \operatorname{\mathbb E}{} \left [ \prod _{i \in E} Y_i \right ]$
for an admissible pair
. In a way similar to Proposition 4.2 (using an extension of Lemma 2.4 to intervals of different lengths), we obtain

where, for any
$E\in A_{T,J}$
$\widetilde{\ell }$
is the sum of the half-lengths of the blocks,
accounts for the bounded faces defined by the horizontal axis and the loops defined by
, and
$d_+, d_-$
for the unbounded faces. (Note that these constants are the same for all
$E\in A_{T,J}$
, so they depend only on
.) Moreover, since at least
of these blocks are singletons, and the remaining blocks are determined by
, we can write

for some
$K'\gt 0$
depending only on
. Similarly,

for some
$\ell ', e_+,e_-$
depending only on
. In particular, for a fixed
, it follows that
$K', \ell ', e_+, e_-$
can only take a fixed number of values independently of
We compare (4.21) and
given by (4.12). First, by Lemma 2.2(iii),

$\widetilde{\ell }=r\ell (S)+O(1)$
by (4.23) and
. Similarly, as a consequence of Lemma 2.3 and (4.24)–(4.25),

Consequently, using also (4.22), we obtain from (4.21) and (4.12),

$C_{T,J}\gt 0$
only depends on
and therefore only takes a finite number of values. In particular,

and this holds uniformly for
$r=O(\sqrt n)$
and all admissible
By (4.20) and the discussion before it, there are
$\binom{r-M}{k}=\Theta (r^k)$
admissible pairs
for each
, where
$k\le M$
, with equality when all
. Note that since we assume that the shape
is weak, there exists at least one such admissible
. Hence, summing (4.29) over all
yields (4.15).
$A^r_{r-M}\setminus A^r_{r-M}(1,2)$
is the union
$\bigcup ' A_{T,J}$
where we only sum over admissible pairs
with some
$T_i\ge 3$
; these correspond to reduced pairs
with some
$\widehat{T}_i\ge 3$
, and we see from (4.20) that each such reduced pair has length
$\le M-1$
and thus corresponds to
admissible pairs. Consequently, summing (4.29) over all
of this type yields

The next proposition shows that, in order to get the asymptotic behaviour of
$\operatorname{\mathbb E}{}[(X_{S,n})_r]$
, we only need to take into account the configurations whose number of blocks that are not singletons is a given constant.
Proposition 4.6.
Fix a weak shape
. Then, there exists
$\eta \gt 0$
such that, for any
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
, there exists
$M\gt 0$
such that we have, uniformly for
$r\le \eta \sqrt{n}$

Remark 4.7.
For convenience, we assume here that
$r/\sqrt n$
is small. In fact, Proposition
can easily be extended to
$r\le C\sqrt n$
for any
depending on
), but we do not need for this.
To prove this, we start with a lemma:
Lemma 4.8.
There exists
$Q \gt 0$
depending only on the shape
such that, for
large enough, for all
$u \leq \sqrt{n}$

Proof. We just compute the ratio term by term, recalling (4.12). We have
$\frac{K^{u+1}}{K^u} = K$
. The ratio of the ratios of Catalan numbers converges uniformly to a positive constant. Finally, the ratio of binomial coefficients is, using Lemma 2.2

for some
$c\gt 0$
and all large
$u\le \sqrt n$
. The result follows.
Proof of Proposition
4.6. Using Lemma 4.5(ii), we have for all
$M\geq 0$


we get from Lemma 4.8 that, for
$r\le \sqrt n$
and any
$u \leq r-1$

Hence, there exists
$\eta \gt 0$
small enough such that, for all
$u \lt r \leq \eta \sqrt{n}$
, we have
$B_{r,u+1} \geq 2 B_{r,u}$
, and thus by backward induction,

Then, for
$r\le \eta \sqrt n$
, (4.34) yields

This yields (4.31) if we choose
such that
$2^{1-M}\le \varepsilon$
, since
$r!\,F_r \le \operatorname{\mathbb E}{}[(X_{S,n})_r]$
by Lemma 4.5(i).
Proposition 4.6 shows that we only need to understand the asymptotic behaviour of the configurations with a number of blocks
for given
$M \geq 0$
, and Lemma 4.5(iii) that we can focus on configurations with blocks of size
. To actually prove our final result, we need to refine Lemma 4.5(iii) and obtain the explicit constants that appear. We define another set of constants, which will account for the cases with blocks of size 2, that is, cases when two components of shape
Definition 4.9.
be a shape. There is a finite set of integers
$i \geq 1$
such that
$\operatorname{\mathbb E}{}[Y_1 Y_i] \gt 0$
$i-1 \lt 2\ell (S)$
. Let
be this set and
$i_1, \ldots, i_k$
its elements. For
$i \in I(S)$
, let
$\ell _i$
, and
be the equivalents of
$\ell (S), K, c_+, c_-$
in this case of two components
$C, C'$
that overlap and start at positions
(replacing in the definition the component by the union of the two components). In particular,
$\ell _i = \ell (S) + (i-1)/2$
is the total half-length of the block made of two components of shape
started at positions
. Furthermore,
together with the horizontal axis define two unbounded faces (
in the upper half-plane and
in the lower half-plane) and several bounded faces; let
be the set of bounded faces. For each face
, let
$\nu (F)$
be the number of integers in
$[\![ L(C),R(C) ]\!]\cup [\![ L(C'),R(C') ]\!] =[\![ L(C),R(C') ]\!]$
that are incident to
but do not belong to
nor to
. We set
$K_i \;:\!=\; \prod _{F \in \mathcal{F}(C, C')} \mathrm{Cat}_{\nu (F)/2}$
. Finally, we define
$c_\pm (i)\;:\!=\;\nu (F_\pm )/2$
. Observe again that all these constants only depend on
Note that
$i\in I(S)$
may be even; in this case
$2\ell _i$
$\nu (F_+)$
$\nu (F_-)$
are odd, and thus
$\ell _i$
$c_\pm (i)$
are half-integers.
Lemma 4.10.
$r=O(\sqrt n)$
$r\to \infty$
. Then, for every fixed
$M\ge 0$


Note that
measures (in a specific way) how much two overlapping components of shape
differ from two non-overlapping ones.
Proof. For each
$G = (g_i)_{i \in I(S)}$
of integers with sum
, let
$A^r_{r-M, G}$
be the set of
$1 \leq i_1 \lt \ldots \lt i_r \leq 2n$
blocks of size
blocks of size
, such that for each
$i\in I(S)$
, there are
blocks of type
$\left \{i_k,i_{k+1}= i_k+i-1\right \}$
$k\lt r$
. Then
is the union of some classes
from the proof of Lemma 4.5, with all
$T_i\in \left \{1,2\right \}$
and a specified number
such that
. Hence, we obtain from (4.21), where the multinomial coefficient in (4.41) is the number of
that is included in

where, by (4.22)–(4.25) and the argument yielding them:

We now argue similarly as in the proof of Lemma 4.5, but this time, we compare to
. We have

and thus, from (4.41) and (4.12), recalling that
$\sum _{i\in I(S)}g_i=M$


The set
defined in Lemma 4.5(iii) is the union of
over all
with sum
. Hence, (4.49) implies, noting that there is only a finite number of such

The result (4.39) now follows from (4.52) and (4.16), using
Proof of Theorem
1.2 for weak shapes. Let
$r\to \infty$
$r\le \eta \sqrt n$
, where
is as in Proposition 4.6.
We may sum (4.39) over all
$M\ge 0$
$M\gt r$
), since Proposition 4.6 shows that we may approximate the sum by a finite sum with a fixed number of terms. Consequently, recalling (4.17),

By Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3, (4.12) implies (similarly to [4.5])

Finally, (4.53) and (4.54) yield, for
$r\to \infty$
$r\le \eta \sqrt n$

This is (2.2), with

In particular, (2.2) thus holds for
$\frac{\eta }2\sqrt n \le r \le \eta \sqrt n$
; as noted in Section 2.1, it then automatically holds uniformly in this range. Furthermore,

by Lemma 4.3, and we have again
$\mu _n=\Theta (n)$
$\sigma _n=\Theta (\sqrt n)$
. It follows that Theorem 2.1 applies in this case too, which yields (1.2).

given by (4.40). Note that this formula holds also for strong shapes (when
) by (4.11).
5. Open problems
We list here some open problems concerning possible extensions of our results.
1. It seems possible to extend the arguments above to joint factorial moments
(5.1)for several shapes\begin{align} \operatorname{\mathbb E}{}\bigl [(X_{S_1,n})_{r_1}\dotsm (X_{S_k,n})_{r_k}\bigr ] \end{align}
$S_1,\dots,S_k$ and then obtain a multivariate version of Theorem 1.2 using a multivariate version of Gao and Wormald’s theorem [Reference Ojeda, Holmgren and Janson3], [Reference Wormald8]. However, we have not checked the details. Such a multivariate theorem would immediately imply, for example, a central limit theorem for the number of components of a given half-length.
2. Considering shapes that are similar, can we obtain a central limit theorem for the number of components that only cross the horizontal axis twice (i.e. the support has size 2, but the half-length is arbitrary)?
3. Is is true, as Kargin [Reference Kargin6] has conjectured, that the total number of components is asymptotically normal?