1. Introduction and main results
In 1983, Brézis and Nirenberg in [1.1] studied the following problem:

where $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N$ is a bounded domain,
$N \geq 3$, λ is a fixed real parameter,
$q \in [2,2^{*})$ and
$2^*=2N/(N-2)$ is the critical exponent in the sense of Sobolev’s embedding.
Brézis and Nirenberg proved the following results:
(a) For q = 2 and
$ N \geq 4 $, problem (1.1) has a solution for every
$ \lambda \in (0, \lambda_1) $, where λ 1 denotes the first eigenvalue of
$ -\Delta $. Moreover, it has no solution if
$ \lambda \not\in (0, \lambda_1) $ and Ω is star-shaped.
(b) When q = 2, N = 3, and Ω is a ball, problem (1.1) has a solution if and only if
$ \lambda \in \left(\frac{\lambda_1}{4}, \lambda_1\right) $.
(c) For
$ q \in (2, 2^*) $ and
$ N \geq 4 $, problem (1.1) has a solution for every λ > 0.
(d) When N = 3 and
$ 4 \lt q \lt 6 $, problem (1.1) has a solution for every λ > 0.
(e) When N = 3 and
$ 2 \lt q \leq 4 $, problem (1.1) has a solution only for sufficiently large values of λ.
Recently, do Ó, Ruf, and Ubilla in [Reference do Ó, Ruf and Ubilla5] studied the following problem:

where $ B \subset \mathbb{R}^N $ is the unit ball centred at the origin,
$N\geq 3$,
$r=|x|$, and
$\alpha \in (0,\min\{N/2,N-2\})$.
The authors demonstrated that problem (1.2) has a radial solution, which is surprising because it corresponds to a supercritical perturbation of the equation $-\Delta u = u^{2^* - 1}$, which has no solution due to the known Pohozaev identity. In this same line of reasoning, in the context of the situation of item (b), we studied the effect of a supercritical perturbation for the case of non-existence
$\lambda \in (0,\frac{\lambda_1}{4 }]$, which also generated the existence of a positive solution. We will also have the same conclusion for situation (e), in which, due to the supercritical perturbation, we will obtain a solution for all positive λ and not just for sufficiently large λ. Motivated by the results of [1.1] and [Reference do Ó, Ruf and Ubilla5], we studied this problem in a more general context, more precisely, let us consider the following problem:

where $B \subset \mathbb{R}^N$ is a unit ball centred at the origin,
$N\geq 3$,
$r=\vert x \vert$, and
$\alpha \in (0,\min\{N/2,N-2\})$ and λ is a fixed real parameter and
$q\in [2,2^*]$.
We will now present the main result of this article.
Theorem 1.1 If q = 2, $\lambda \in [0, \lambda_1)$ and
$N\geq 3$, then the problem (1.3) has a radial weak solution. If
$q\in (2,2^*]$, problem (1.3) has a radial weak solution for every
$\lambda \geq 0$ and
$N\geq 3$.
We would like to highlight that in the case N = 3 we obtain a solution for the perturbed problem for each $\lambda \in [0,\lambda_1)$, that is, the perturbation solves the non-existence interval
Let $H_0^1(B) := \{u \in L^{2}(B) \colon \nabla u \in L^2(B) \colon u=0 \, \text{on} \, \partial B \} $ be the usual Sobolev space equipped with the gradient norm, or let
$\| u \|_{H^1_0(B)} = \|\nabla u \|_{L^2(B)}$. We say that
$u\in H_0^1(B)$ is a weak solution to problem (1.3) if u > 0 in B and it holds:

Remark 1.2. It is important to emphasize that the Eq. (1.4) is well defined due to the results obtained in proposition 2.2 and corollary 2.3. Note that (1.4) is not well-defined for $ q \gt 2^* $.
Theorem 1.1 shows (see (b) and (e)) that there are critical equations without solutions that have a solution when a non-negative term is added to them, converting them into supercritical equations. Note that this phenomenon was already observed in [Reference do Ó, Ruf and Ubilla5].
We also consider some perturbations of problem (1.1) that become superlinear on the ball and subcritical for $ r \in (0, \delta) $, for some small δ. However, it can be supercritical away from
$r= 0,$ as in the following equation:

where $B \subset \mathbb{R}^N$ is a unit ball centred at the origin,
$N\geq 3$,
$r=\vert x \vert$, λ is a fixed real parameter,
$q\in [2,2^*)$ and
$f\colon [0,1) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function satisfying:
$ f(0) \lt 0$ and
$\displaystyle\inf_{r\in [0,1)}(2^* + f(r)) \gt 2$.
The next result involves the assumption (f):
Theorem 1.3 Let $q \in [2,2^*)$,
$N\geq 3$, and
$f\colon [0,1) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ a continuous function satisfying condition (f). Then the problem (1.5) has a radial weak solution in the following cases:
(i) q = 2 and
$\lambda \in [0,\lambda_1)$.
$q \in (2,2^*)$ and
$\lambda \geq 0$.
Remark 1.4. In theorem 1.3, due to the generality of the growth condition considered for the function f, it was not possible to reach the case $ q = 2^* $.
The definition of a weak solution for problem (1.5) is analogous to the one we defined in Eq. (1.4). The case $0 \lt q \lt 2$, which corresponds to a concave-convex problem, was studied in [Reference Clemente, Marcos do Ó and Ubilla3] under a subcritical assumption. Therefore, theorem 1.3 complements the result in [Reference Clemente, Marcos do Ó and Ubilla3].
The article is organized as follows: In §2, we present preliminary results, in §3, we prove theorem 1.1, and in §4, we prove theorem 1.3.
2. Preliminaries
First, we define the Sobolev space of radial functions $H_{0,\mathrm{rad}}^1(B) := \{u \in H_0^1(B) \colon u(x) = u(|x|) \}$ equipped with the usual standard
$\|u\|=\|\nabla u \|_2$. We will now present the ‘radial lemma’, which can be found in [Reference do Ó, Ruf and Ubilla5, Reference Strauss8].
Lemma 2.1. Let $u \in H_{0,\mathrm{rad}}^1(B)$. Then


For the next result, we refer [Reference do Ó, Ruf and Ubilla5]
Proposition 2.2. Let α > 0; then

Corollary 2.3. The following embedding is continuous:

where $L^{2^*+r^{\alpha}}(B)$ is defined as follows (see, e.g., [Reference Diening, Harjulehto, Hästö and Rocircuvzivcka4])

with norm

The following proposition follows directly from the definition:
Proposition 2.4. Let $p:[0,1) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a bounded continuous function and
$u\in L^{p(r)}(B)$. Consider
$\|u\|_{p(r)}=\mu$. Then we have:
(i) If
$\mu\geq 1$, then
$\mu^{p_-}\leq\displaystyle \int_{B} |u(x)|^{p(r)}\mathrm{d}x\leq \mu^{p_+}$,
(ii) If
$\mu\leq 1$, then
$\mu^{p_+}\leq\displaystyle\int_{B} |u(x)|^{p(r)}\mathrm{d}x\leq \mu^{p_-}$,
where $p_+= \sup_{r \in [0,1)}p(r)$ and
$p_-=\inf_{r \in [0,1)}p(r)$.
3. Proof of theorem 1.1
To establish a weak solution of problem (1.3), we define the functional $J \colon H^{1}_{0, \text{rad}}(B) \to \mathbb{R}$ given by

where $u^+(x)=\operatorname{max}\{u(x),0\}$. By proposition 2.2 and by corollary 2.3, it follows that the functional J is well defined. We also note that J is a functional of class C 1. If u > 0 is a critical point of the functional then u is a weak solution to problem (1.3) thanks to the symmetric criticality principle (see [Reference Palais7, Reference Willem10]). The strategy then consists of obtaining positive critical points of the functional J. For this, we will use the Mountain Pass Lemma, due to Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz [Reference Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz1].
In the next lemmas, we will demonstrate that the functional J has the geometry of the Mountain Pass Theorem.
Lemma 3.1. There exist ρ > 0 and θ > 0 such that

Proof. Note that

Let $u \in H_{0, \mathrm{rad}}^1(B)$ be such that
$\Vert \nabla u \Vert_2 = \theta$ where
$\theta \in (0,1)$ will be chosen. By proposition 2.4 and corollary 2.3 follow that


We observe that when q = 2, we consider $\lambda \in [0, \lambda_1)$, then the expression
$ \sqrt{\Vert \nabla u \Vert^2 - \lambda \Vert u \Vert^2}$ defines a norm in
$H_{0}^1(B)$ equivalent to norm
$\|\nabla u \|_2$. Since
$\| \nabla u \|_2 = \theta$, we have

So, choosing $\theta_1 \in (0,1)$ small enough we have that for
$\theta \in (0,\theta_1)$ fixed there is
$\rho_1 \gt 0$ such that
$J(u) \geq \rho_1 \gt 0$.
If $q \in (2, 2^*]$, by using (3.2) and Sobolev inequality, we get

Since $2^* \geq q \gt 2$, we can choose
$\theta_2 \in (0,1)$ small enough such that for any fixed
$\theta \in (0, \theta_2)$, there exists
$\rho_2 \gt 0$ such that
$J(u) \geq \rho_2 \gt 0$.
Now, we will state the second condition of the mountain pass geometry.
Lemma 3.2. Exist $u \in H_{0, \mathrm{rad}}^1(B)$ such that
$\Vert \nabla u\Vert_2 \gt \theta $ and
$J(u) \lt 0$.
Proof. Let $u \in H_{0, \mathrm{rad}}^1(B) \setminus \{0 \}$ such that u > 0 in B. We have for t > 1 that

Therefore, since $2 \leq q \leq 2^*$ we get

which proves the lemma.
We now define SN as the best constant in the Sobolev embedding $H^1(\mathbb{R}^N) \hookrightarrow L^{2^*}(\mathbb{R}^N)$, that is,

We consider

the standard Sobolev instantons, which satisfy the equation (see [Reference Talenti9])

We also consider $u^*(x)=\bar{u}(x/S_N^{1/2})$ and
$U_\varepsilon (x) = \varepsilon^{-\frac{(N-2)}{2}}u^*(x/\varepsilon)$. As in [Reference Talenti9] and also [Reference Willem10], we know that,

Taking a suitable cut-off function η and setting $u_\varepsilon = \eta\, U_\varepsilon$, it is known that

Do Ó, Ruf, and Ubilla, in [Reference do Ó, Ruf and Ubilla5], demonstrated the following lemma:
Lemma 3.3. There exists a constant C > 0 such that for all ɛ > 0 small

Now let’s control the min-max level of the mountain pass theorem.
Lemma 3.4. The level c of the mountain pass of the functional J satisfies $0 \lt c \lt \frac 1N S_N^{N/2}$.
Proof. By lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, J has the geometry of the Mountain Pass lemma. We consider uɛ as before and set


with R > 0 sufficiently large such that $J(R\, u_\varepsilon) \le 0$. By (3.4) and lemma 3.3, we note that R can be chosen independent of ɛ. The path
$\gamma_\varepsilon(t) = t u_\varepsilon, \, t \in [0,R]$, belongs to Γ, and

We have also that $\frac d{dt} J(t\, u_\varepsilon)\Big|_{t = t_\varepsilon} = 0$ and by J satisfying the geometric conditions of the Mountain Pass lemma, we can assume that
$ t_\varepsilon \in (\delta, R]$ with δ > 0 because if
$t_\varepsilon \rightarrow 0$ by (3.4) and lemma 3.3 we obtain that
$J(t_\varepsilon u_\varepsilon) \rightarrow 0$. So, for ɛ > 0 small enough, we have
$J(t_\varepsilon u_\varepsilon) \lt S_N^{N/2}/N$.
Now, let’s consider the following auxiliary functional:

So, for $ t_\varepsilon \in (\delta, R]$ we have the estimate

where we use that $\alpha \in (0,\min \{N/2,N-2\})$, the lemma 3.3, and the estimate

Therefore, by using (3.4) and (3.6), we obtain

3.1. Proof of theorem 1.1
By lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, we know that the functional J satisfies the geometric conditions of the Mountain Pass lemma; by lemma 3.4, it follows that there is a sequence of Palais-Smale $\{u_n\}\subset H_{0,\text{rad}}^1(B)$ such that:

Let’s show that the sequence $\{u_n\}$ is bounded in
$H_{0,\text{rad}}^1(B)$. Indeed, for n sufficiently large and
$q \in (2,2^*] $, we have:

It follows that $\{u_n\}$ is bounded in
$H_{0,\mathrm{rad}}^1(B)$. If q = 2, we recall that
$\lambda \in [0, \lambda_1)$ and in this case the expression
$(\Vert \nabla u \Vert^2_2 - \lambda \Vert u \Vert^2_2)^{1/2}$ defines a norm in
$H^1_{0,\mathrm{rad}}(B)$ equivalent to the usual norm
$\Vert \nabla u \Vert_2$. Thus, we will also have for n sufficiently large that:

It follows that $\{u_n\}$ is bounded in
$H_{0,\mathrm{rad}}^1(B)$. So there exists
$ u \in H_{0,\text{rad}}^1(B) $ such that
$ u_n \rightharpoonup u $ in
$ H_{0,\text{rad}}^1(B) $. We have two possibilities:
If $ u \not\equiv 0 $, then u is a non-trivial non-negative solution to problem (1.3). By the maximum principle, we guarantee that u is positive, thus proving the theorem.
If u = 0, we have $ u_n \rightharpoonup 0 $, and for every ɛ > 0 and n sufficiently large, the following inequality holds:

Indeed, note that for all η > 0, we have $H^1_{0,\mathrm{rad}}(B \setminus B_\eta) \subset\subset L^s(B \setminus B_\eta)$ for all
$s \geq 1$. Therefore,

and consequently,

By (3.9), we can write

Using lemma 2.1 (Radial Lemma), we can estimate

where C 1 and C 2 are constants.
Therefore, for all ɛ > 0, we can choose $\eta = \eta(\varepsilon) \gt 0$ sufficiently small such that

which implies

From (3.9), (3.10), and (3.14), we obtain that for sufficiently large n and for all ɛ > 0,

Therefore, we have proven (3.8).
Now, for sufficiently large n, we obtain the inequality

Thus, for sufficiently large n, we get


Then, we have

Since $ u_n \rightharpoonup 0 $ also in
$ L^{2^*}(B) $, it follows that
$ \langle J_0'(u_n), \varphi \rangle \rightarrow 0 $ for all
$ \varphi \in H_{0,\text{rad}}^1(B) $. Indeed, by the embedding
$ H_{0,\mathrm{rad}}^1(B) \hookrightarrow L^s(B) $ for all
$ s \in [1,2^*] $, we have

Therefore, $\{u_n\}$ is a Palais-Smale sequence for the functional J 0 at the level
$d \lt \frac{1}{N} S^{N/2}$. According to [1.1, Reference Willem10], the functional J 0 satisfies the Palais–Smale condition for levels
$d \lt \frac{1}{N} S^{N/2}$. Thus, we have
$u_n \rightarrow 0$ strongly in
$H_{0,\text{rad}}^1(B)$, and by the continuity of the functional J, it follows that
$J(u_n) \rightarrow 0$, which leads to a contradiction.
Therefore, we have $u \not\equiv 0$. Choosing
$\varphi = u^-$ as the test function in the equation
$\langle J'(u), \varphi \rangle = 0$, we get that
$u = u^+ \geq 0$. By the strong maximum principle (see [Reference Evans6, theorem 4, pp. 333]), it follows that u > 0 in B. Therefore, u is a weak solution of the problem (1.3), and this completes the proof of theorem 1.1.
4. Proof of theorem 1.3
For problem (1.5), we will follow a similar strategy to the one we used in the proof of theorem 1.1. We define the functional $J\colon H_{0, \text{rad}}^1(B) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ given by

where $u^{+}(x) = \max \{u(x),0 \}$,
$f\colon [0,1) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function satisfying condition (f) and
$q \in [2,2^*)$. The parameter λ is considered in two cases: if q = 2 then
$\lambda \in [0,\lambda_1)$, if
$q \in (2,2^*)$ then
$\lambda \geq 0$. We will show in the following lemma that the functional J is well defined and by standard arguments, we will obtain that J is of class C 1. We also know that positive critical points of J are weak solutions to the problem (1.5).
Lemma 4.1. Let J be the functional given in (4.1). Then J is well-defined.
Proof. We only have to demonstrate that the variable integral is finite. Let $u \in H^{1}_{0, \mathrm{rad}}(B)$, then we write

where ρ 1 and ρ 2 will be chosen later. By hypothesis (f), it follows that there exists $\rho_1 \gt 0$ such that
$2 \lt 2^* + f(r) \lt 2^*, \forall r \in [0, \rho_1]$. From Hölder’s inequality and proposition 2.4, it follows that

where $F_+ = \sup_{r \in [0,\rho_1]}( 2^* +f(r))$ and
$F_-= \inf_{r\in [0,\rho_1]}(2^*+f(r))$. Now, we consider
$\rho_2 \gt 0$ sufficiently close to 1. By lemma 2.1, we know that, for
$r \in [\rho_1 , \rho_2]$

Since f is continuous in $[\rho_1,\rho_2]$ it follows that
$f\in L^\infty[\rho_1,\rho_2]$ and therefore the second integral in (4.2) is finite. For
$r \in [\rho_2 , 1)$, again by lemma 2.1, we get

since ρ 2 was chosen sufficiently close to 1. Therefore, we obtain that the third integral in (4.2) is also finite. Therefore, we conclude that the J functional is well-defined.
As previously mentioned, we must ensure that the functional J has a positive critical point, for this, we will use the Mountain Pass Theorem, due to Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz [Reference Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz1]. We will show now that the functional J has the geometry of the Mountain Pass Theorem.
Lemma 4.2. There exist ρ > 0 and θ > 0 such that

Proof. Let $u \in H^1_{0 \mathrm{rad}}(B)$ be such that
$\| \nabla u \|_2 = \theta \lt 1$. By (4.3) and Sobolev’s inequality, we have for ρ 1 small enough that

where $F_+ = \sup_{r \in [0,\rho_1]}( 2^* +f(r))$ and
$F_-= \inf_{r\in [0,\rho_1]}(2^*+f(r))$. Let
$\rho_2 \gt 0$ be sufficiently close to 1 as in lemma 4.1. By (4.4) and (4.5), and choosing θ > 0 small enough such that
$\operatorname{Max}\{C_{\rho_1},C_{\rho_2}\} \| \nabla u \|_2 \lt 1$, we obtain

where $C_3 =|B| \left( \operatorname{Max}\{C_{\rho_1},C_{\rho_2}\}\right)^{F_-} $. Then, by (4.6) and (4.7), we get

where $C= \operatorname{Max}\{C_2,C_3\}$. Therefore, we have

When q = 2, we consider $\lambda \in [0,\lambda_1)$ and then the expression
$ \sqrt{\Vert \nabla u \Vert^2 - \lambda \Vert u \Vert^2}$ define a norm in
$H_{0}^1(B)$ equivalent to usual norm. Since
$2^* \gt q \geq 2$ and
$F_- \gt 2$ due to the above inequality and by Sobolev inequality follows that for
$\|\nabla u \|_2 = \theta$ with θ sufficiently small, that there exists ρ > 0 such that
$J(u) \geq \rho \gt 0$.
Lemma 4.3. Exist $u \in H_{0, \mathrm{rad}}^1(B)$ such that
$\Vert \nabla u\Vert_2 \gt \theta $ and
$J(u) \lt 0$.
Proof. Let $u \in H_{0, \mathrm{rad}}^1(B) \setminus \{0 \}$ such that u > 0 in B. We have for t > 1 that

Therefore, since $F_- \gt 2$ and
$q\in [2,2^*)$, we get

which proves the lemma.
Now we will show that the functional J satisfies the (PS) condition.
Lemma 4.4. Palais–Smale condition
Let $q \in [2, 2^*)$,
$\lambda \geq 0$, and
$f\colon [0,1) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ a continuous function satisfying condition (f). Then the functional J given in (4.1) satisfies the Palais–Smale condition.
Proof. Let $\{u_n\} \subset H^1_{0,\text{rad}}(B)$ be a Palais–Smale sequence. So, we get

Since $2^* + f(r) \gt 1$ for
$r \in [0,1)$ by standard calculations we know that the sequence
$\{u_n\}$ is bounded in
$H^1_{0, \text{rad}}(B)$, So, up to a subsequence, there exists
$u \in H_{0,\text{rad}}^1(B)$ such that

From $J'(u_n) \rightarrow 0$, we can choose
$\varphi = u_n -u$ as the test function and obtain the following inequality:

where $\varepsilon_n \rightarrow 0$. As
$q \in [2,2^*)$, by Hölder inequality and (4.10), we obtain

Therefore, by (4.11), the lemma will be proved if we check that


where ρ 1 and ρ 2 will be chosen later. We will estimate each integral above separately. First, for r > 0 small enough, we know that $2-2^* \lt f(r) \lt 0$ because f is continuous at r = 0 and
$f(0) \lt 0$. Therefore, for r small enough, we have that
$2 \lt 2^*+f(r) \lt 2^*$. So, we can choose
$\rho_1 \gt 0$ small enough such that
$2 \lt 2^*+f_+(\rho^1) \lt 2^*$, where
$f_+(\rho^1) = \displaystyle\sup_{r \in [0,\rho_1]}f(r)$. Then, we get

To estimate the second integral, we need to choose $\rho_2 = 1-\rho^{N-2}_1$ sufficiently close to 1. So, by inequality (2.1) of the lemma 2.1, we get

where $f_{+}(\rho)= \displaystyle\sup_{r\in [\rho_1,\rho_2]}f(r)$.
To estimate the last integral. Note that for $\rho_2 = 1-\rho^{N-2}_1$ and
$\rho_2 \lt r \lt 1$, we have

By inequality (2.2) from lemma 2.1, we get

Therefore, (4.12) is verified and the proof of the lemma is concluded.
From lemmas 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4, we conclude that the functional J has a non-trivial critical point u. Using $\varphi = u_-$ as a test function in equation
$\langle J'(u),\varphi \rangle =0$, we obtain that
$u = u_+\geq 0$ and by the strong maximum principle (see [Reference Evans6, theorem 4, pp. 333]) it follows that u is positive, thus finishing the proof of the theorem 1.3.
The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the anonymous referee for their valuable comments and suggestions, which have significantly improved the quality of this article.
Luiz Faria was partially financed by FAPEMIG APQ-02146-23, APQ 04528/22 and CNPq. Jeferson Camilo was partially financed by FAPEMIG BPD-00347-22 and CNPq. Pedro Ubilla was partially financed by FONDECYT 1220675.