After more than a year of challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope that you and your loved ones have managed to remain healthy, active and as happy as possible. The delay of several publications has resulted in a LCB slightly shorter than those produced in the years ante coronam. The list of publications included in this year's LCB shows that our field is thriving despite the various challenges. We are committed to fill any possible gaps in upcoming LCBs, hoping that the numbers of COVID-19 cases decrease and allow restrictions to ease.
As occurred with LCB 29, this year's LCB was produced under the challenges linked with the pandemic. We were faced again with libraries either entirely closed or with restricted access. In times like this, we are even more grateful for the help and generosity of colleagues and librarians who very kindly provided us with lists of the most recent publications in the field, and even with pictures of the indexes of publications that we would have otherwise been unable to access. We thank them very much for their effort and collaboration.
This year brought two editions of importance, the first being a Liber ordinarium from the diocese of Freising near Munich, continuing the long series of F.K. Prassl's team. The other is a critical edition of the Jistebnice Kancionál by Hana Vlhová-Wörner. The Slovakian team published a series of publications on the Missale Notatum Bratislava, Ústredna knižnica Slovenskej akadémie vied Rkp. zv. 387.
Fragmentary sources feature as an important topic this year, with twelve publications related to or building on the worldwide Fragmentarium Project, and with the development of a fragments’ database as well (30005, 30017k, 30018e, 30022d, 30028, 30032, 30045a, 30045b, 30051, 30082, 30086, 30096). These achievements have a great potential of prompting future investigations on fragments, and we hope to see new titles related to this topic in future LCBs.
Also worth mentioning is the development of the Catalogue des manuscrits notés en neumes français de la Bibliothèque nationale de France (30095), a database that gathers, describes and aids the analyses of notated manuscripts from this important library. This database aims to help researchers in search of notational influences and concordances.
We wish you, dear reader, the most productive time despite the pandemic. We will hopefully meet again soon. For any question, suggestion, and/or bibliographic information, you can reach us through the email address: We thank you in advance for your help.
27/28003R. Luisa NARDINI, Speculum, 95/4 (2020), 1178–9.
27/28016R. Franz Karl PRASSL, Beiträge zur Gregorianik, 68 (2019), 89–92.
27/28024R. Maria Incoronata COLANTUONO, Medievalia. Revista d'Estudis Medievals, 23/2 (2020), 135–7. – Daniel SAULNIER, Revue de musicologie, 106/1 (2020), 237–41.
27/28027R. Cynthia J. CYRUS, Speculum, 96/2, 559–61.
29003R. Laura ALBIERO, Fragmentology, 3 (2020), 149–54.
29014R. Andreas JANKE, Die Musikforschung, 73/2 (2020), 156–7.
29017R. Marie WINKELMÜLLER-URECHIA, Die Musikforschung, 74/1 (2021), 60–1.
Editions and facsimile editions
30001. Michael BERNHARD, Klaus-Jürgen SACHS, Musiklehre zwischen Mittelalter und Humanismus: das Studienkonvolut des Stephan Roth (Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek 24.10.26), Veröffentlichungen des Staatlichen Instituts für Musikforschung 24/Studien zur Geschichte der Musiktheorie 14 (Hildesheim: Olms, 2019).
Review. Joseph DYER, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 29/2 (2020), 177–80.
30002. Gionata BRUSA, Der Liber Ordinarius der Diözese Freising. Eine textkritische Edition des mittelalterlichen Regelbuchs der Diözese Freising, Codices Manuscripti & Impressi. Supplementum 19 (Purkersdorf: Hollinek, 2020).
30003. Hana VLHOVÁ-WÖRNER, et al., The Jistebnice Kancionál. Prague, National Museum Library, II C 7. Critical Edition, Monumenta Liturgica Bohemica (Brno: Luboš Marek, 2019).
Books, reprints
30004. Rastislav ADAMKO, Janka BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, Zuzana ZAHRADNIKOVÁ, Eva VESELOVSKÁ, Rastislav LUTZ, Das Missale notatum Rkp. zv. 387 – eine skandinavische Handschrift in der Slowakei. Missale notation Rkp. zv. 387 – skandinavski rokopis na Slovaškem,
30005. Veronika GARAJOVÁ, Catalogus fragmentorum cum notis musicis medii aevi e civitate Trenchini. Reviewers Janka Bednáriková, Rastislav Adamko, Catalogus fragmentorum cum notis musicis medii aevi in Slovakia 6 (Bratislava: Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2020).
30006. Gernot GRUBER, Kulturgeschichte der europäischen Musik. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart (Kassel: Bärenreiter/Berlin: Metzler, 2020).
30007. Hildegard HERRMANN-SCHNEIDER, Wo die Engel musizieren: Musik im Stift Stams (Brixen: Verlag A. Weger, 2020).
30008. Christoph HÖNERLAGE, Centonisation als Interpretation. Formelfunktionen und Wort-Ton-Verhältnis in den Gradualien des V. Modus (St Ottilien: EOS, 2020).
30009. Marie T. LEVEY, The Place of the Kyriale – the Ordinary of the Mass – in Catholic History, Liturgy and Music (Burwood, New South Wales: Trustees of the Sisters of St Joseph, 2020).
30010. Richard MAILÄNDER, Basiswissen Kirchenmusik, Vol. 1: Theologie – Liturgiegesang, 3. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage (Stuttgart: Carus-Verlag, 2020).
30011. Rebecca MALOY, Songs of Sacrifice: Chant, Identity, and Christian Formation in Early Medieval Iberia (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020).
30012. Stefan MORENT, Die Musik der Antike und des Mittelalters, Epochen der Musikgeschichte 1 (Laaber: Laaber Verlag, 2020).
30013. Raquel ROJO CARRILLO, Text, Liturgy, and Music in the Hispanic Rite: The Vespertinus Genre (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021).
30014. Stefania RONCROFFI, I manoscritti di canto liturgico della Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio e del Museo della Musica di Bologna, con una sezione di Milena BASILI sui Frammenti musicali del Museo della Musica, Biblioteca de ‘L'Archiginnasio’, Serie III, n. 14 (Bologna: Comune di Bologna, 2021).
Congress proceedings
30015. France et Angleterre. Manuscrits médiévaux entre 700 et 1200, ed. Charlotte DENOËL, Francesco SIRI, Bibliologia 57 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020):
(a) Laura ALBIERO, ‘Interférences liturgiques entre France et Angleterre’, 281–9.
30016. Il tempo delle comunità monastiche nell'alto Medioevo. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Studio, Roma-Subiaco, 9–11 giugno 2017, ed. Letizia ERMINI PANI, De Re Monastica 6 (Spoleto: CISAM, 2020):
(a) Laura ALBIERO, ‘Manoscritti liturgici monastici dell'Italia meridionale: tipologie e funzioni’, 149–61.
30017. IMS Study Group Cantus Planus: Papers read at the XVII meeting, Venice, Italy, 28 July–1 August 2014, ed. James BORDERS (Venice: Edizioni Fondazione Levi, 2020):
(a) Davide CROFF, ‘Presentation’, ix–x. (b) Roberto CALABRETTO, Luisa ZANONCELLI, ‘Preface’, xi–xii. (c) James BORDERS, ‘Foreword to the Meeting’, xiii. (d) Nausica MORANDI, ‘Opening address’, xiv. (e) Andreas PFISTERER, ‘Zur Bedeutung von Oxeia/Acutus/Virga in den griechischen und lateinischen Neumenschriften’, 3–8. (f) Laura ALBIERO, ‘From France to northern Italy: specific features in “Comasca” notation’, 9–18. (g) Elsa DE LUCA, ‘A methodology for studying Old Hispanic notation: some preliminary thoughts’, 19–40. (h) David CATALUNYA, ‘The “codification” of new Latin song in early twelfth century: codicological insights into F-Pn fonds latin 1139’, 43–7. (i) Marco GOZZI, ‘Manuscripts in Cortona: fragments and liturgical books in the Archivio storico diocesano’, 49–60. (j) Karin Strinnholm LAGERGREN, ‘The Birgittine Abbey of Maria Refugie: Five hundred years of manuscript production’, 61–71. (k) Santiago RUIZ TORRES, Juan Pablo RUBIO SADIA, ‘Liturgical fragments of the diocese of Sigüenza (eleventh-sixteenth centuries)’, 73–82. (l) Rebekka SANDMEIER, ‘Imposing European culture on the Cape Colony: medieval manuscripts in the Grey collection’, 83–93. (m) James BORDERS, ‘A northern Italian intermediary between Avignon and Rome? Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Canonici Liturgical 375 and the chants of the 1485 Pontificale Romanum’, 95–106. (n) Jurij SNOJ, ‘The antiphoner of Izola’, 107–16. (o) Réka MIKLÓS, ‘Der Seckauer Liber ordinarius von ca. 1595 (A-Gu 1566) als letztes Dokument der mittelalterlichen Salzburger-Seckauer Liturgie und Musik’, 117–34. (p) Andreas HAUG, ‘Towards a semiotically informed transcription practice’, 137–42. (q) Konstantin VOIGT, ‘Reconstructing acts of writing. Editorial consequences of writing scenarios assumed for the versus Annus novus in Paris 1139’, 143–50. (r) Elaine Stratton HILD, ‘Working realities of the New Philology: considering the potential of technology in editing medieval texts’, 151–4. (s) Debra LACOSTE, Jan KOLÁČEK, ‘Cantus for office and mass: building an online network of chant databases’, 157–62. (t) Kate HELSEN, Inga BEHRENDT, Jennifer BAIN, ‘A new way to see neumes: the optical neume recognition project in context and in action’, 163–7. (u) Gábor KISS, ‘Late flourishing of the alleluia repertory in central Europe’, 171–85. (v) Giulia GABRIELLI, ‘Tropes in cantus planus sources from South Tyrol’, 187–96. (w) Marit Johanne HØYE, ‘Kyrie chants in manuscripts from the German-speaking area’, 197–212. (x) Sarah Ann LONG, ‘Mensurally notated mass ordinaries from Cambrai and Tournai’, 213–23. (y) Hana VLHOVÁ-WÖRNER, ‘Agnus pairing and disappearing: a contribution to the late chant tradition in Bohemia’, 225–38. (z) Morné BEZUIDENHOUT, ‘In search of black swans: a computer-assisted approach to interval-pattern recognition’, 241–52. (aa) Dirk VAN BETTERAY, ‘Textinterpretation und Formelkomposition. Heiligenoffizien im Codex Hartker’, 253–65. (ab) Roman HANKELN, ‘The articulation of direct speech in responsories’, 267–78. (ac) Danette BRINK, ‘Simeon: the long journey to Trier and Sainthood’, 279–89. (ad) Raquel ROJO CARRILLO, ‘The vespertini as witnesses to the transmission of Old Hispanic chant in traditions A and B’, 293–309. (ae) Hanna ZÜHLKE, ‘Hirsau in Norditalien: Zur liturgischen Musikpraxis des Benediktinerklosters Moggio im zwölften und dreizehnten Jahrhundert’, 311–21. (af) Nausica MORANDI, ‘The Office for Saint Cecilia in musico-liturgical manuscripts from the Pontificia Biblioteca Antoniana of Padua’, 323–36. (ag) Stefania RONCROFFI, ‘Antichi testimoni dell'ufficio di san Prospero e tradizione nei codici reggiani’, 337–44. (ah) Diego TOIGO, ‘Il canto del Passio presso alcuni ordini religiosi in fonti italiane tardive’, 345–59. (ai) Jean-François GOUDESENNE, ‘Apostolicité et exports liturgiques en France méridionale, Gaule cisalpine et Italie non romaine (835–1150)’, 359–76. (aj) Océane BOUDEAU, ‘Le sanctoral de la cathédrale de Sens’, 377–88. (ak) Tova LEIGH-CHOATE, ‘The weekly commemorative office: a twelfth-century witness from Saint-Denis in context’, 389–400. (al) Melanie BATOFF, ‘The Visitatio sepulchri as a Gospel Harmony in medieval Germany’, 401–12. (am) Alison ALTSTATT, ‘Singing the saints in Medieval Eichstätt: the case of Wolfhard of Herrieden's office for Saint Walburga’, 413–24. (an) Michelle URBERG, ‘Learning gender roles from the Paschal and Mariological processions of the brothers and sisters at Vadstena Abbey’, 425–36. (ao) Manuel Pedro FERREIRA, ‘Venetian influence in fifteenth-century Portugal’, 437–50. (ap) Orsolya CSOMÓ, ‘The feasts of the Holy Virgin in the liturgy of the mass in Zagreb Cathedral and its Mediterranean context’, 451–61. (aq) Thomas Forrest KELLY, Katarina LIVLJANIĆ, ‘Ferial office in the Montecassino antiphoner and in Beneventan sources of the eleventh and twelfth centuries’, 465–79. (ar) Luisa NARDINI, ‘The masses for the Dead in Beneventan manuscripts: Issues of formulary organization and chant manipulation’, 481–94. (as) Matthew PEATTIE, ‘Graphic difference and the interpretation of the climacus in Beneventan notation’, 495–515. (at) Bibiana GATTOZZI, ‘The hymn in Beneventan manuscripts’, 517–29. (au) Svetlana KUJUMDZIEVA, ‘The tropologion Vaticanus Graecus 771’, 533–48. (av) Silvia TESSARI, ‘The Byzantine musical manuscripts of the Veneto region: overview of a current research project. One example (Bassan. gr. 34B19)’, 549–61. (aw) Gerda WOLFRAM, ‘The Byzantine tradition of the great doxology’, 563–8. (ax) Nina-Maria WANEK, ‘O quando in cruce – Ὅτε τω σταυρῷ revisited’, 569–78. (ay) Svetlana POLIAKOVA, ‘The classification of Russian sticheraria: a preliminary case study’, 579–84. (az) Elizabeth J. MARKHAM, ‘A schematic musical form for singing Buddhist hymns in the “bilingual” literary culture of early Japan’, 585–91.
30018. Religion – Musik – Macht. Musikalische Dimensionen einer ästhetischen Theologie, ed. Wolfgang W. MÜLLER, Franc WAGNER, TeNor – Text und Normativität 8 (Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2021):
(a) Franc WAGNER, ‘Zur Interdependenz von Wort und Ton in der Musik seit der Antike’, 13–36. (b) Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘“Dass ich den text behandelt habe, wie er noch wenig behandelt worden”. Paradigmen für eine Musik der Kirche’, 141–77. (c) Konstantinos NIKOLAKOPOULOS, ‘Grundlegende Merkmale der byzantinischen Musik und ihr Einsatz in den orthodoxen Gottesdiensten’, 205–16. (d) Stefan KLARER, ‘Singende Mönche – singende Gemeinde? Gregorianische Aufführungspraxis in der Schweiz’, 375–96. (e) Stefan MORENT, ‘Europäische und regionale Musikkultur im Kontext des Konstanzer Konzils. Bericht zur Erforschung liturgischer Musikfragmente des Stadtarchivs Konstanz’, 397–423.
Chant journals
30019. Beiträge zur Gregorianik, 69 (2020):
(a) Franco ACKERMANS, Luigi AGUSTONI (†), Inga BEHRENDT, Rupert FISCHER (†), Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, Christoph HÖNERLAGE, Liobgid KOCH, Josef KOHLHÄUFL, Stefan METZ, Daniel RÖSLER, Heinrich RUMPHORST, Anton STINGL jun., Stephan ZIPPE, ‘Vorschläge zur Restitution von Melodien des Graduale Romanum, Teil 45’, 9–36. (b) Anton STINGL jun., ‘Das Offertorium Felix namque es’, 37–50. (c) Godehard JOPPICH, ‘Die Liqueszenz – Eine semiologische Studie im Codex Hartker St. Gallen 390/391 – Teil 2 (Nachdruck)’, 51–98. (d) Heinrich RUMPHORST, ‘Die Gesangstexte der Offertorien und ihrer Verse im Vergleich mit ihren Schriftquellen – mit deutscher Übersetzung – Teil 3 (135, 1–5)’, 121–40.
30020. Beiträge zur Gregorianik, 70 (2020):
(a) Franco ACKERMANS, Luigi AGUSTONI (†), Inga BEHRENDT, Rupert FISCHER (†), Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, Christoph HÖNERLAGE, Stephan KLARER, Josef KOHLHÄUFL, Stefan METZ, Daniel RÖSLER, Heinrich RUMPHORST, Anton STINGL jun., Stephan ZIPPE, ‘Vorschläge zur Restitution von Melodien des Graduale Romanum, Teil 46’, 9–22. (b) Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Der Codex Hartker (CH-SGs 390/391): Rhetorik und Rhythmische Artikulation als Ausdruck liturgischer Theologie’, 23–42. (c) Iun NISHIWAKI, ‘Amalar und die liturgischen Gesänge des Weihnachtsfestkreises’, 43–8. (d) Inga BEHRENDT, ‘Die “feinen Fliegenfüße der St. Galler und Einsiedelner Neumen des 9.–10. Jahrhunderts”: Hugo Riemanns Verständnis des Choralrhythmus Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts’, 49–64.
30021. Études grégoriennes, 47 (2020):
(a) Joseph DYER, ‘Theories of origin and survival of Old Roman chant’, 1–24. (b) Eduardo Henrik AUBERT, ‘Sur les traces d'une culture musicale: Notations musicales occasionnelles dans les manuscrits de Cluny jusqu'au XIIe siècle’, 25–59. (c) Océane BOUDEAU, ‘Un office médiéval en l'honneur de saint Déodat’, 61–94. (d) Cillian LONG, ‘The theory and practice of plainchant accompaniment (part one). Deluded antiquarianism to c. 1860: the shock of the old’, 95–139. (e) Xavier PERRIN o.s.b., ‘“Lingua mea calamus scribæ velociter scribentis” ou de la spiritualité des neumes’, 141–53.
30022. Studi gregoriani, 33 (2017): Atti del Convegno di Studi Il Canto Ambrosiano, Convegno internazionale di Studi Milano-Lugano, 8–10 settembre 2017, ed. Angelo RUSCONI, Guido MILANESE, Vol. 1:
(a) Angelo RUSCONI, Guido MILANESE, ‘Introduzione’, 9–12. (b) Claudio MAGNOLI, ‘Premessa’, 13–16. (c) Terence BAILEY, ‘An Introduction to the Ambrosian Processional Antiphons’, 17–26. (d) Jacopo Maria CALLONI, ‘Un Frammento sconosciuto di antifonario ambrosiano’, 27–62. (e) Matteo GARZETTI, ‘Un melisma del versus Dedisti letitiam’, 63–86. (f) Marco GOZZI, ‘L'Antifonario ambrosiano trecentesco della Biblioteca musicale Laurence Feininger di Trento (Trento, Biblioteca del Castello di Buonconsiglio, Fondo Feininger, ms. FC 74)’, 87–116. (g) Thomas F. KELLY, ‘The Earliest Notations of Ambrosian Chant’, 117–22. (h) Angelo RUSCONI, ‘Il Credo nella messa ambrosiana’, 123–96.
30023. Studi gregoriani, 34 (2018): Atti del Convegno di Studi Il Canto Ambrosiano, Convegno internazionale di Studi Milano-Lugano, 8–10 settembre 2017, ed. Angelo RUSCONI, Guido MILANESE, Vol. 2:
(a) Giulia GABRIELLI, ‘Gli inni nelle edizioni ambrosiane con musical del Seicento’, 9–36. (b) Gionata BRUSA, ‘Influssi ambrosiani nelle tradizione liturgico-musicale di Vercelli’, 37–74. (c) Luca RICOSSA, ‘Modalità, struttura e retorica nel canto ambrosiano’, 75–86. (d) Francesco ANDREONI, ‘Qualche considerazione e alcuni esempi di declinazione di ambrosiano rustico’, 87–106. (e) Jakub KUBIENIEC, ‘Longing for Milan? Ambrosian chants in a Breviary from Kraków’, 107–22.
30024. Studi gregoriani, 35 (2019): Atti del Convegno di Studi Il Canto Ambrosiano, Convegno internazionale di Studi Milano-Lugano, 8–10 settembre 2017, ed. Angelo RUSCONI, Guido MILANESE, Vol. 3:
(a) Laila GAGLIANO, Stefano Maria MALASPINA, ‘Strumenti e fonti per lo studio del canto ambrosiano nella Biblioteca del Capitolo Metropolitano di Milano’, 9–20. (b) Norberto VALLI, ‘Il responsorio Tenebrae e le antifone per l'adorazione della Croce nella liturgia ambrosiana del Venerdì Santo’, 21–34. (c) Fabio STIRPE, ‘Antifone ambrosiane su un processionale beneventano del secolo XI. Studio comparato del processionale in notazione beneventana contenuto nel manoscritto Vaticanus Reginensis Latinus 334 con i repertori ambrosiano e gregoriano’, 35–126.
Collections of essays, dictionaries
30025. A Companion to the English Dominican Province: From Its Beginnings to the Reformation, ed. Eleanor J. GIRAUD, J. Cornelia LINDE, Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition 97 (Leiden: Brill, 2021):
(a) Eleanor J. GIRAUD, ‘Dominican Chant and Liturgical Practices in the English Province’, 343–69. (b) Nigel J. MORGAN, ‘The Liturgical Manuscripts of the English Dominicans, ca.1250–ca.1530’, 370–408.
30026. Ad fontes Tynecenses. Sakramentarz Tyniecki – perspektywa liturgiczno-muzyczna / Liturgical and musical perspectives on Tyniec Sacramentary, ed. Susi FERFOGLIA (Kraków: Tyniec Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, 2020):
(a) Juan Pablo RUBIO SADIA, ‘Muzyka w sakramentarzach: obecność i funkcje. Wprowadzenie do śpiewu celebransa’ / ‘La música en los sacramentarios: presencia y funcionalidad. Una aproximación al canto del celebrante’, 219–46 / 249–76.
30027. Afinando ideas: aportaciones multidisciplinares de la joven musicología española, ed. Candela TORMO-VALPUESTA, Consuelo PÉREZ-COLODRERO (Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2020):
(a) Javier SASTRE GONZÁLEZ, ‘Las grabaciones sonoras del Canto de la Sibila (1952–2017). Una aproximación desde la discología’, 69–84.
30028. Carta canta. Atti della giornata di studio. Pavia, Salone Teresiano 28 maggio 2019, ed. Marco D'AGOSTINO, Pier Luigi MULAS (Pavia: Univers Edizioni, 2020):
(a) Laura ALBIERO, ‘Frammenti liturgici di reimpiego. Il caso di Pavia’, 47–64. (b) Daniele SABAINO, Rodobaldo TIBALDI, ‘Musica e liturgia nel frammento pavese pergamene sparse, scatola 1 bis’, 65–92.
30029. Chanoines et chanoinesses des anciens Pays-Bas: Le chapitre de Maubeuge du IXe au XVIIIe siècle, ed. Jean HEUCLIN, Christophe LEDUC, Histoire et civilisations (Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presse universitaires du Septentrion, 2019):
(a) Jean-François GOUDESENNE, ‘Un siècle avant Hildegarde et la réforme grégorienne, la “Vision” de sainte Aldegonde dans le paysage liturgique et musical du Hainaut et de la Gaule Belgique’, 135–62.
30030. Die Beschneidung Jesu: Was sie Juden und Christen heute bedeutet, ed. Jan-Heiner TÜCK (Freiburg: Herder, 2020):
(a) Harald BUCHINGER, ‘Die Feier der Beschneidung des Herrn am Oktavtag von Weihnachten: Liturgische Entwicklung und Entfaltung im ersten Jahrtausend’, 147–85.
30031. Die Dynamik der Liturgie im Spiegel ihrer Bücher. Festschrift für Martin Klöckener / La dynamique de la liturgie au miroir de ses livres. Mélanges offerts à Martin Klöckener, ed. Hélène BRICOUT, Benedikt KRANEMANN, Davide PESENTI, Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen 110 (Münster: Aschendorff, 2020):
(a) Harald BUCHINGER, ‘Zur Buchgeschichte und Liturgiegeschichte der Osterfeier in St. Gallen: Sakramentare im Kontext’, 39–82. (b) Claire MAÎTRE, ‘Les lectures médiévales des dimanches après la Pentecôte dans le domaine cistercien’, 83–94. (c) Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Der Kantor und sein Dienst im Spiegel neuerer liturgischer Bücher’, 561–80.
30032. Disiecta Membra Musicae: Studies in Musical Fragmentology, ed. Giovanni VARELLI, Studies in Manuscript Cultures 21 (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2020):
(a) Giovanni VARELLI, ‘Preface’, 1–6; (b) Susan RANKIN, ‘Processional Chants in the Early Medieval Period: The Lesson of Fragments’, 39–76; (c) David HILEY, ‘Some Medieval Relics of Saints’ Plainchant Offices’, 77–94; (d) Jurij SNOJ, ‘Music Fragments from Slovenia: Towards a Reconstruction of the Medieval Plainchant Manuscript Production’, 97–115; (e) Sanna RANINEN, ‘Make Do and Mend: Reworking Liturgical Parchment Manuscripts in Post-Reformation Sweden’, 185–203; (f) Reinhard STROHM, ‘A Collection of Fragments, or a Fragment of a Collection? The Musical Appendix of A-Wn Cod. 5094’, 241–61; (g) Zsuzsa CZAGÁNY, ‘Fragmenta Manuscriptorum Musicalium Hungariae Mediaevalis: From Traditional Methodologies Towards a Digital Corpus’, 301–22.
30033. Glazba, Migracije i Europska Kultura. Svečani zbornik za Vjeru Katalinić. Music, Migration and European Culture. Essays in Honour of Vjera Katalinic, ed. Ivano CAVALLINI, Jolanta GUZI-PASIAK, Harry WHITE, Musicological proceedings 22 (Zagreb: Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo, 2020):
(a) Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘“Ex codicibus cisalpinis”: Das Kyriale von Peter Wagner (Graz 1904) und die Entstehung der Kyriale-Editionen in Solesmes 1883–1895–1905 als Vorbedingung für spätere Kontroversen um die Editio Vaticana’, 351–75.
30034. Global History, Visual Culture and Itineraries. Changes and Continuities, ed. Francisco José DÍAZ MARCILLA, Jorge TOMÁS GARCÍA, Yvette SOBRAL DOS SANTOS (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021):
(a) Océane BOUDEAU, ‘Introduction, Diffusion and Composition of Franco-Roman Plainsong in the Iberian Peninsula’, 309–30.
30035. Guthlac: Crowland's Saint, ed. Jane ROBERTS, Alan THACKER (Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2020):
(a) Henry PARKES, ‘Musical Portraits of St Guthlac’, 277–97.
30036. Historiae. Liturgical Chant for Offices of the Saints in the Middle Ages, ed. David HILEY, Antiquae Musicae Libri 1 (Venezia: Fondazione Levi, 2021):
(a) Susan RANKIN, ‘The Office in Carolingian hands’, 3–32. (b) Henry PARKES, ‘Theology and teleology in the festal Night Office: what performance directions reveal about the design and experience of historiae’, 33–56. (c) Benjamin BRAND, ‘Literary and musical borrowing in a versified office for St. Donatus of Arezzo’, 57–72. (d) Harald BUCHINGER, ‘On the hermeneutics and function of saints’ offices: Observations and questions’, 73–90. (e) Roman HANKELN, ‘Music and text in saints’ offices: two approaches’, 91–134. (f) Nils Holger PETERSEN, ‘Emotions and human identification in medieval saints’ offices: a response to Roman Hankeln’, 135–44. (g) Morne BEZUIDENHOUT, Mark BRAND, ‘A web-based interface for the computational analysis and recognition of interval patterns in chants from late medieval saints’ offices’, 145–64. (h) Kate HELSEN, ‘Working with the research legacy of Andrew Hughes’, 165–78. (i) Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, ‘Medieval offices from Ghent and Cambrai: some ways of interpreting their melodies’, 179–222. (j) Jean-François GOUDESENNE, ‘Geography and historiography in early West Frankish historiae (750–950)’, 223–46. (k) Danette BRINK, ‘The seven historiae for the medieval cathedral of Trier: a conservative point of view’, 247–60. (l) Robert KLUGSEDER, ‘Saints’ offices in Austria’, 261–72. (m) Zsuzsa CZAGÁNY, ‘Historiae in the Central European area: repertorial layers and transmission in Bohemia, Poland and Hungary’, 273–96. (n) Jurij SNOJ, ‘Late liturgical offices in Aquileian manuscripts’, 297–312. (o) Marco GOZZI, ‘Research on historiae in Italy: desiderata and opportunities’, 315–32. (p) Cesarino RUINI, ‘The offices of saints Adalbert, Hedwig and Stanislaus in Trent: a history of exclusion’, 333–8. (q) Gionata BRUSA, Giulia GABRIELLI, ‘Historiae in the South Tyrol: competing influences and historical developments in local chant composition’, 339–72. (r) Stefania VITALE, ‘The office of saint Eusebius of Vercelli from the eleventh to the twentieth century: prolegomena to an edition’, 373–402.
30037. Into the Diaspora. Essays on Medieval and Early Modern Liturgical Music Manuscripts at the University of Sydney, ed. David ANDRÉS FERNÁNDEZ, Jane M. HARDIE, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen/Musicological Studies 113 (Kitchener, ON: Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2020):
(a) David ANDRÉS FERNÁNDEZ, ‘Two Processionals from Female Monastic Houses (Fisher Library RB Add. Mss. 416 and 420)’, 3–42. (b) Simon POLSON, ‘Considering Two “Augustinian Antiphonals” (Fisher Library RB Add. Mss. 367 and 411)’, 43–78. (c) Robert CURRY, ‘Si tu hęc servaveris, vitam ęternam promito. A Seventeenth Century Personal Copy of the Clarist Rule and Constitutions from Peru (Fisher Library RB Add. Mss. 364)’, 79–114. (d) Barbara SWANSON, ‘Mary of the Snows, Paula the Widow, and Slavery to Mary in Fisher Library RB Add. Mss. 376: Defining Features of an Early Modern Compendium’, 115–46. (e) Kathleen E. NELSON, ‘Seeking Identity and History for an Antiphonal (Fisher Library RB Add. Mss. 413)’, 147–85. (f) Santiago RUIZ TORRES, ‘The Cantoral Fisher Library RB Add. Mss. 370: Musical and Liturgical Identity in the Spanish World’, 187–234. (g) Grayson WAGSTAFF, ‘Fisher Library RB Add. Mss. 377 and the Liturgy for the Dead: A Pre-Tridentine Survical in a Mid-Seventeenth-Century Book’, 235–58. (h) Jane M. HARDIE, ‘A Sibling for Salamanca? An Early Modern Graduale de Tempore (Fisher Library RB Add. Mss. 349) in Context’, 259–304.
30038. Klang und Bedeutung. Diskurse über Musik. Zur Emeritierung von Joseph Willimann, ed. Juliane BRANDES, Moritz HEFFTER, Sarah PLATTE, Meinrad WALTER, Schriften der Hochschule für Musik Freiburg 9 (Hildesheim: Olms, 2021):
(a) Wulf ARLT, ‘Materialgebrauch und Formgestaltung im “Neuen Lied” – Aspekte des einstimmigen Komponierens im 12. Jahrhundert’, 1–26. (b) Jeremy LLEWELLYN, ‘Sequences on Lake Constance or When Heinrich Isaac met Notker Balbulus’, 231–66.
30039. Liturgia e cultura. Atti dell'XI Congresso Internazionale di Liturgia. Roma, Pontificio Ateneo sant'Anselmo – Pontificio Istituto Liturgico 9–11 maggio 2018, ed. Francesco BONOMO, Stefan GEIGER, Dominik JURCZAK, Fergus M.T. RYAN, Ecclesia Orans: Studi e Ricerche 2 (Napoli: Editrice Domenicana Italiana, 2019):
(a) Fergus M.T. RYAN, ‘Music, Liturgy and Communication. Singing as Integral Part of the Liturgy’, 71–84.
30040. Music and Instruments of the Middle Ages: Essays in Honour of Christopher Page, ed. Tess KNIGHTON, David SKINNER (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2020):
(a) John CALDWELL, ‘The Development of the Latin Liturgical Psalter in England’, 153–72.
30041. Musica Medieaeva liturgica III. Zborník príspevkov z muzikologickej konferencie konanej dna 6.–7- mája 2019, ed. Janka BEDNÁRIKOVÁ (Ruzomberok: Verbum, 2020):
(a) Adam SÝKORA, ‘A few preliminary notes to codex Rkp. zv. 387 from a codicological and liturgical point of view’, 28–48. (b) Rastislav LUTZ, ‘Obiit dominus Fridericus burgravius. Zur Wanderung des Missale Rkp. 387’, 55–61. (c) Eva VESELOVSKÁ, ‘Die Notation des Missale Rkp. zv. 387 aus der Zentralbibliothek der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften’, 71–9. (d) Csaba FRIGYES ORBÁN, Miklós István FÖLDVÁRY, ‘Medieval Variants of the Mass Ordinary’, 91–101. (e) Katalin SUBA, ‘Researching the Occasional Rites of the Roman Liturgy: Recent Surveys of the Good Friday Services and their Old Latin Parallels’, 138–59. (f) Piotr WIŚNIEWSKI, ‘Palaeographic Characteristics of Musical Notation in the Twelfth-Century Pontificale Plocense’, 171–80.
30042. Musik aufführen. Quellen – Fragen – Forschungsperspektiven, ed. Kai KÖPP, Thomas SEEDORF, Kompendien Musik 12 (Laaber: Laaber Verlag, 2020):
(a) Stefan MORENT, ‘Aufführungspraxis in der Musik vor 1600 – Mangel an Quellen’, 149–68.
30043. Musik im Zusammenhang: Festschrift Peter Revers zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Klaus ARINGER, Christian UTZ, Thomas WOZONIG (Wien: Hollitzer, 2019):
(a) Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Der Salzburger Liber Ordinarius (1198) als musikhistorische Quelle’, 133–55. (b) Stefan ENGELS, ‘Die Handschrift Michaelbeuern A-MB Man. cart. 1 und die mensurierten Hymnen der monastischen Liturgie in Salzburg im 15. Jahrhundert’, 157–75.
30044. Respondámosle a concierto. Estudios en homenajes a Maricarmen Gómez Muntané, ed. Eduardo CARRERO, Sergi ZAUNER (Bellaterra: Institut d'Estudis Medievals – UAB, 2020):
(a) David ANDRÉS FERNÁNDEZ, Carmen MORTE GARCÍA, ‘De manuscritos olvidados: los cantorales del antiguo monasterio de Santa Engracia de Zaragoza guardados en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid’, 43–64. (b) Juan Carlos ASENSIO, ‘Ripoll & Compostela: Arnaldo de Monte y el Codex Calixtinus’, 65–76. (c) Jane M. HARDIE, ‘Can the Pictures Tell the Story? Reflections on Three Sydney Medieval and Early Modern Liturgical Music Manuscripts’, 139–50. (d) Kathleen NELSON, ‘The Sacramentario de Sahagún and an Exultet’, 185–98.
30045. Schaffen und Nachahmen. Kreative Prozesse im Mittelalter, ed. Volker LEPPIN, Samuel J. RAISER, Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte 16 (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2021):
(a) Stefan MORENT, ‘Tradition und Wandel in der Überlieferungsgeschichte des Gregorianischen Chorals. Liturgisch-musikalische Fragmente und digitale Untersuchungsmethoden. Eine Einleitung zu den folgenden musikwissenschaftlichen Beiträgen’, 527–9. (b) Waltraud GÖTZ, ‘Einige Gründe für Variantenbildung im Gregorianischen Choral anhand von Beispielen aus dem Fragmentenbestand des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart’, 545–50. (c) Stefan MORENT, ‘Digitale Methoden zur Erforschung der Überlieferungsgeschichte des Gregorianischen Chorals’, 551–4. (d) Paul HOPPE, Stefan MORENT, ‘Computergestützte Tools zur Codierung des Gregorianischen Chorals. Ein neuer Eingabe-Editor für das MEI neumes-module’, 555–60.
30046. Sounding the Past. Music as History and Memory, ed. Karl KÜGLE, Épitome musical (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020):
(a) Susan RANKIN, ‘Introduction: Sung Histories’, 37–44. (b) David EBEN, Susan RANKIN, ‘Using the Past as Model: Musical Scripts in Books of the Prague Diocese’, 75–100. (c) Pawel GANCARCZYK, ‘Introduction: Tradition in the Musical Past’, 117–20. (d) Jan CIGLBAUER, ‘From Tolerated Addition to Keepers of Tradition: The Authority of the “Past” in Latin Song in Central Europe in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries’, 121–40. (e) Emanuel SIGNER, ‘Tradition and Experimentation in Choirbooks Printed in Late Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Italy’, 157–90.
30047. The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture, ed. Janet STURMAN (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2019):
(a) Eleanor J. GIRAUD, ‘Chant’, 496–500.
Articles in periodicals and Festschriften
30048. Laura ALBIERO, ‘Reconstructing a Ninth-Century Sacramentary-Lectionary from Saint-Victor’, Fragmentology, 3 (2020), 1–49.
30049. Rev. Ratislav ADAMKO, ‘A Previously Unknown Repertoire of Alleluia Chants from the 1518 Graduale Cassoviense (Clmae 172a, 172b)’, Roczniki Humanistyczne, 68/12 (2020), 25–44.
30050. David ANDRÉS FERNÁNDEZ, Carmen Julia GUTIÉRREZ, Emma HORNBY, Raquel ROJO CARRILLO, ‘Processions and their Chants in the Old Hispanic Liturgy’, Traditio, 75 (2020), 177–223.
30051. David ANDRÉS FERNÁNDEZ, Cristina MARTÍ MARTÍNEZ, ‘Hallazgos de fragmentos de canto gregoriano en Chile’, Revista Musical Chilena, 71/227 (2017), 122–39.
30052. Janka BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, ‘The Hymn Rex sanctorum angelorum in Notated Missal ms. 387 and its Partial Meaning in the Search of the Provenance of the Manuscript’, Roczniki Humanistyczne, 68/12 (2020), 7–24.
30053. Océane BOUDEAU, ‘Les livres liturgiques de la Chartreuse d’Évora (Portugal) témoins de la constitution d'un fonds cartusien et des changements dans la liturgie cartusienne à la fin du XVIe siècle’, Acta musicologica, 92/2 (2020), 120–34.
30054. Océane BOUDEAU, Elsa DE LUCA, ‘Erreur, variante et correction: l'exemple du plain-chant médiéval’, Textus & Musica, 1 (2020).
30055. Océane BOUDEAU, Gaël SAINT-CRICQ, ‘Les ressources et publications numériques de la musique médiévale’, Revue de musicologie, 106/1 (2020), 175–90.
30056. Roger BOWERS, ‘The “votive antiphon” among other sacred textual forms’, Early Music, 48/2 (2020), 147–55.
30057. Laurent CALVIÉ, ‘Un manuscrit médiéval d'anciens musicographes grecs: le Vaticano, BAV gr.2338’, Scriptorium, 73/2 (2019), 219–50.
30058. David CATALUNYA, ‘Ars subtilior in Organ Playing c. 1380–1420: Another Glimpse into a Late Medieval Unwritten Performance Practice’, Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch, 104 (2020), 113–43.
30059. Elsa DE LUCA, ‘Aquitanian Notation in Iberia: Plainchant Fragments in Braga and Guimarães (11th–15th century)’, Revue de Musicologie, 106/2 (2020), 329–72.
30060. Elsa DE LUCA, ‘From Old Hispanic to Aquitanian Notation: Music Writing in Medieval Iberia’, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 50/2 (2020), 827–64.
30061. Litha EFTHYMIOU, Emma HORNBY, ‘New Music Inspired by Old Hispanic Chant’, Context, 45 (2019), 61–73.
30062. Ignasi M. FOSSAS COLET, Juan Pablo RUBIO SADIA, ‘El ms. 880 de la Biblioteca de Montserrat: un breviari romanotoledà del segle XIV’, Miscel⋅lània litúrgica catalana, 27 (2019), 369–411.
30063. Giulia GABRIELLI, ‘La musica nel regolamento scolastico della Collegiata di San Candido del 1614’, Musica Docta. Rivista digitale di pedagogia e didattica della musica, 10 (2020), 15–23.
30064. Giulia GABRIELLI, ‘Gli inni nelle edizioni ambrosiane con musica del Seicento’, Studi Gregoriani, 34 (2020), 9–27.
30065. M. Cecilia GAPOSCHKIN, ‘Nivelon de Quierzy, the Cathedral of Soissons, and the Relics of 1205: Liturgy and Devotion in the Aftermath of the Fourth Crusade’, Speculum, 95/4 (2020), 1087–129.
30066. Jean-François GOUDESENNE, ‘La musique dans l'ancien diocèse de Thérouanne, de Guntbert de Saint-Bertin (831) à Drogon de Bergues (1070)’, Annales du Comité Flamand de France, 70 (2019), 153–66.
30067. Jean-François GOUDESENNE, ‘La carte et le territoire du chant grégorien’, Microscoop. Un regard sur les laboratoires en Centre Limousin Poitou-Charentes, 19 (2019), 24–5.
30068. Jean-François GOUDESENNE, Daniel-Odon HUREL, ‘Redécouverte d'un mouvement monastique bénédictin pour la promotion et la sauvegarde des patrimoines liturgiques et musicaux d'Orient : historique et profils d'une musicologie innovante (1860–1930)’, Revue des Traditions Musicales des mondes Arabes et Méditerranéen (RTM), 13 (2021), 85–102.
30069. James GRIER, ‘De rebus incertis: Stephen of Liège and the Divine Office’, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 29/2 (2020), 119–36.
30070. Miquel dels Sants GROS I PUJOL, ‘L'oracional festiu hispànic de Silos (Londres, Brit. Lib., Add. 30852)’, Miscel⋅lània litúrgica catalana, 27 (2019), 25–158.
30071. Carmen Julia GUTIÉRREZ, ‘Librum de auratum conspice pinctum. Sobre la datación y la procedencia del Antifonario de León’, Revista de Musicología, 43/1 (2020), 19–76.
30072. Carmen Julia GUTIÉRREZ, ‘Francisco Franco y los reyes godos: la legitimación del poder usurpado por medio de la ceremonia y la música’, Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 33 (2020), Dosier: Música y ceremonial, 161–95.
30073. Karl D. HARTZELL, ‘A fragment of a tenth-century English sacramentary’, Anglo-Saxon England, 46 (2019), 259–70.
30074. Kristin HOEFENER, ‘Kultgeschichte als Musikgeschichte. Offizienzyklen zu Ehren der heiligen Ursula und der elftausend Kölner Jungfrauen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Laudeszyklus In choro sanctorum’, Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch, 103/104 (2019/2020), 85–103.
30075. Irene HOLZER, ‘“Das ist wol singen in gaÿstlicher fröd”. Musik der theologia mystica im Kloster Tegernsee’, Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch, 103/104 (2019/2020), 27–41.
30076. Emma HORNBY, Kati IHNAT, ‘Continuous psalmody in the Old Hispanic liturgy’, Scriptorium: revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits, 73/1 (2019), 1–33.
30077. Standley HOWELL, ‘The emergence of a medieval pitch concept’, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 29/2 (2020), 99–117.
30078. M. Ángel LÓPEZ, ‘El officium de Cisneros: ¿origen hispánico o neomozárabe?’, Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 33 (2020), 225–40.
30079. M. Ángel LÓPEZ, ‘Procedimientos de composición melódica en los officia y sacrificia neomozárabes’, Revista de Musicología, 43/2 (2020), 501–28.
30080. Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Theology (en-) chanted: Christological aspects in the chants of the Triduum Sacrum’, Cultura e Fede, 27/1 (2019), 25–34.
30081. Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Kodeks Hartkera (CH-SGs 390/391) – genialna szkoła retoryki w służbie teologii liturgicznej [Der Codex Hartker (CH-SGs 390/391): Rhetorik und Rhythmische Artikulation als Ausdruck liturgischer Theologie]’ (Übersetzung: Łukasz Wojtyczka), Pro Musica Sacra, 17 (2019), 43–61.
30082. Juan Pablo RUBIO SADIA, ‘Consideraciones litúrgicas sobre el fragmento de brevario de la Biblioteca de Montserrat, ms. 1601 (Olim ms. 1117, folios de guarda)’, Miscel⋅lània litúrgica catalana, 28 (2020), 115–38.
30083. Ryan T. RUIZ, ‘Sing for Us One of Zion's Songs: The Psalms and Eucharistic Anamnesis’, Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal, 24/3 (2020), 271–89.
30084. Daniel SAWICKI, ‘The Development of the Melodic Formulas in Old Ruthenian Orthodox Church Monody on the Example of Dognaticon of the Second Tone Based on Selected 16th–18th Century West Ruthenian Irmologions’, Roczniki Humanistyczne, 67/12 (2019), 39–57.
30085. Katarina ŠTER, ‘A Chant Treatise in the Service of Two Monastic Traditions of the Modern Era: The Case of the Musices Choralis Medulla’, Muzikološki zbornik/Musicological Annual, 56/2 (2020), 153–81.
30086. Ana SUÁREZ GONZÁLEZ, Josep TORNÉ I CUBELLS, ‘Cinc bifolis litúrgics medievals de l'Arxiu de la Basílica dels Sants Just i Pastor (Barcelona)’, Miscel⋅lània litúrgica catalana, 28 (2020), 97–114.
30087. Haig UTIDJIAN, ‘First session of the series of seminars Digital Humanities in Early Music Research: personal reflections’, Hudební věda, 57/1 (2020), 83–7.
30088. Haig UTIDJIAN, ‘“Անոյշ եղանակաւ եւ ձայնիւ”. Ս. Գրիգոր Նարեկացւոյ տաղերը եւ խօսք, խազ ու երաժշտութիւն դարերու ընդմէջէն’ [“Sweet in melody and voice”: The odes of St. Gregory of Narek through the centuries], Banber Matenadarani Բանբեր Մատենադարանի [Bulletin of the Matenadaran Institute], 30 (2020), 109–26.
30089. Rose WALKER, ‘Expressing Liturgical Change in Eleventh- and Twelfth-century Iberia through the Feast of the Holy Innocents’, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 50/2 (2020), 865–92.
30090. Rev. Piotr WIŚNIEWSKI, ‘Melodies of the Prefaces Outside Mass in the 12th-Century Pontificale Plocense’, Roczniki Humanistyczne, 67/12 (2019), 9–26.
30091. Rev. Piotr WIŚNIEWSKI, ‘A Nineteenth-Century Processional from the Archive of the Bonifratres in Cracow (Kraków). A Contribution to Research into Latin Monody’, Roczniki Humanistyczne, 68/12 (2020), 73–86.
Ph.D. dissertations
30092. Ángel Antonio CHIRINOS AMARO, ‘Aspectos interpretativos del Códice musical de las Huelgas (E-BULH-11): un estudio en torno a la performance vocal del canto litúrgico bajomedieval’ (Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019).
30093. Kristin HOEFENER, ‘Untersuchungen zu Ursprung, Entwicklung und Verbreitung von Offizienzyklen zu Ehren der Heiligen Kölner Jungfrauen. Kulturgeschichte als Musikgeschichte’ (Würzburg: Julius-Maximilian-Universität Würzburg, 2020).
30094. Patricia PELÁEZ BILBAO, ‘Las secuencias del manuscrito Tortosa, Archivo Capitular, Cód. 135. Estudio y edición crítica’, 2 vols. (Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2021).
Websites and online databases
30095. Catalogue des manuscrits notés en neumes français de la Bibliothèque nationale de France,
30096. Fragmentarium: Laboratory for Medieval Manuscript Fragments,
Index of names
Ackermans, F. 30019a, 30020a
Adamko, R. 30004, 30049
Agustoni, L. 30019a, 30020a
Albiero, L. 29003R, 30015a, 30016a, 30017f, 30028a, 30048
Altstatt, A. 30017am
Andreoni, F. 30023d
Andrés Fernández, D. 30037, 30037a, 30044a, 30050, 30051
Aringer, K. 30043
Arlt, W. 30038a
Asensio, J.C. 30044b
Aubert, E.H. 30021b
Bailey, T. 30022c
Bain, J. 30017t
Batoff, M. 30017al
Bednáriková, J. 30004, 30041, 30052
Behrendt, I. 30017t, 30019a, 30020a, 30020d
Bernhard, M. 30001
Betteray, D.v. 30017aa
Bezuidenhout, M. 30017z, 30036g
Bonomo, F. 30039
Borders, J. 30017, 30017c, 30017m
Boudeau, O. 30017aj, 30021c, 30034a, 30053, 30054, 30055
Bowers, R. 30056
Brand, B. 30036c
Brand, M. 30036g
Brandes, J. 30038
Bricout, H. 30031
Brink, D. 30017ac, 30036k
Brusa, G. 30002, 30023b, 30036q
Buchinger, H. 30030a, 30031a, 30036d
Calabretto, R. 30017b
Caldwell, J. 30040a
Calloni, J.M. 30022d
Calvié, L. 30057
Carrero, E. 30044
Catalunya, D. 30017h, 30058
Cavallini, I. 30033
Chirinos Amaro, A.A. 30092
Ciglbauer, J. 30045d
Colantuono, M.I. 27/28024R
Croff, D. 30017a
Csomó, O. 30017ap
Curry, R. 30037c
Cyrus, C.J. 27/28027R
Czagány, Z. 30032g, 30036m
D'Agostino, M. 30028
De Luca, E. 30017g, 30054, 30059, 30060
Denoël, C. 30015
Díaz Marcilla, F.J. 30034
Dyer, J. 30001R, 30021a
Eben, D. 30046b
Efthymiou, L. 30061
Engels, S. 30043b
Ermini Pani, L. 30016
Ferfoglia, S. 30026
Ferreira, M.P. 30017ao
Fischer, R. 30019a, 30020a
Földváry, M.I. 30041d
Fossas Colet, I.M. 30062
Frigyes Orbán, C. 30041d
Gabrielli, G. 30017v, 30023a, 30036q
Gagliano, L. 30024a
Gancarczyk, P. 30046c, 30063, 30064
Gaposchkin, M.C. 30065
Garajová, V. 30005
Garzetti, M. 30022e
Gattozzi, B. 30017at
Geiger, S. 30039
Giraud, E.J. 30025, 30025a, 30047a
Göschl, J.B. 30019a, 30020a
Götz, W. 30045b
Goudesenne, J.F. 30017ai, 30029a, 30036j, 30066, 30067, 30068
Gozzi, M. 30017i, 30022f, 30036o
Grier, J. 30069
Gros i Pujol, M.d.S. 30070
Gruber, G. 30006
Gutierrez, C.J. 30050, 30071, 30072
Guzi-Pasiak, J. 30033
Haggh-Huglo, B. 30036i
Hankeln, R. 30017ab, 30036e
Hardie, J.M. 30037, 30037h, 30044c
Hartzell, K.F. 30073
Haug, A. 30017p
Heffter, M. 30038
Helsen, K. 30017t, 30036h
Herrmann-Schneider, H. 30007
Heuclin, J. 30029
Hild, E.S. 30017r
Hiley, D. 30032c, 30036
Hoefener, K. 30074, 30093
Holzer, I. 30075
Hönerlage, C. 30008, 30019a, 30020a
Hoppe, P. 30045d
Hornby, E. 30050, 30061, 30076
Howell, S. 30077
Høye, M.J. 30017w
Hughes, A. 30036h,
Hurel, D.O. 30068
Ihnat, K. 30076
Janke, A. 29014R.
Joppich, G. 30019c
Jurczak, D. 30039
Kelly, T.F. 30017aq, 30022g
Kiss, G. 30017u
Klarer, S. 30018d
Klugseder, R. 30036l
Knighton, T. 30040
Koch, L. 30019a, 30020a
Kohlhäufl, J. 30019a, 30020a
Koláček, J. 30017s
Kranemann, B. 30031
Kubieniec, J. 30023e
Kügle, K. 30046
Kujumdzieva, S. 30017au
Lacoste, D. 30017s
Lagergren, K.S. 30017j
Leduc, C. 30029
Leigh-Choate, T. 30017ak
Leppin, V. 30045
Levey, M.T. 30009
Linde, C. 30025
Livljanić, K. 30017aq
Llewellyn, J. 30038b
Long, C. 30021d
Long, S.A. 30017x
López, M.Á. 30078, 30079
Lutz, R. 30004, 30041b
Magnoli, C. 30022b
Mailänder, R. 30010
Maître, C. 30031b
Malaspina, S.M. 30024a
Maloy, R. 30011
Markham, E.J. 30017az
Martí Martínez, C. 30051
Metz, S. 30019a, 30020a
Miklós, R. 30017o
Milanese, G. 30022, 30022a, 30023, 30024
Morandi, N. 30017d, 30017af
Morent, S. 30012, 30018e, 30042a, 30045a, 30045c, 30045d
Morgan, N.J. 30025
Morte García, C. 30044a
Mulas, P.L. 30028
Müller, W.W. 30018
Nardini, L. 27/28003R, 30017ar
Nelson, K.E. 30037e, 30044d
Nikolakopoulos, K. 30018c
Nishiwaki, I. 30020c
Parkes, H. 30035a, 30036b
Peattie, M. 30017as
Peláez Bilbao, P. 30094
Pérez-Colodrero, C. 30027
Perrin, X. 30021e
Pesenti, D. 30031
Petersen, N.H. 30036f
Pfisterer, A. 30017e
Platte, S. 30038
Poliakova, S. 30017ay
Polson, S. 30037b
Prassl, F.K. 27/28016R, 30018b, 30020b, 30031c, 30033a, 30043a, 30080, 30081
Raiser, S.J. 30045
Raninen, S. 30032e
Rankin, S. 30032b, 30036a, 30046a, 30046b
Ricossa, L. 30023c
Riemann, H. 30020d
Roberts, J. 30035
Rojo Carrillo, R. 30013, 30017ad, 30050
Roncroffi, S. 30014, 30017ag
Rösler, D. 30019a, 30020a
Rubio Sadia, J.P. 30017k, 30026a, 30062, 30082
Ruini, C. 30036p
Ruiz, R.T. 30083
Ruiz Torres, S. 30017k, 30037f
Rumphorst, H. 30019a, 30019d, 30020a
Rusconi, A. 30022, 30022b, 30022h, 30023, 30024
Ryan, F.M.T. 30039, 30039a
Sabaino, D. 30028b
Sachs, K.J. 30001
Saint-Cricq, G. 30055
Sandmeier, R. 30017l
Sastre González, J. 30027a
Saulnier, D. 27/28024R
Sawicki, D. 30084
Seedorf, T. 30042
Signer, E. 30045e
Siri, F. 30015
Skinner, D. 30040
Snoj, J. 30017n, 30032d, 30036n
Sobral dos Santos, Y. 30034
Šter, K. 30085
Stingl jun., A. 30019a, 30019b, 30020a
Stirpe, F. 30024c
Strohm, R. 30032f
Sturman, J. 30047
Suárez González, A. 30086
Suba, K. 30041e
Swanson, B. 30037d
Sýkora, A. 30041a
Tessari, S. 30017av
Thacker, A. 30035
Tibaldi, R. 30028b
Tomás García, J. 30034
Tormo-Valpuesta, C. 30027
Torné i Cubells, J. 30086
Toigo, D. 30017ah
Tück, J.H. 30030
Urberg, M. 30017an
Utidjian, H. 30087, 30088
Utz, C. 30043
Valli, N. 30024b
Varelli, G. 30032, 30032a
Veselovská, E. 30004, 30041c
Vitale, S. 30036r
Vlhová-Wörner, H. 30003, 30017y
Voigt, K. 30017q
Wagner, F. 30018, 30018a
Wagstaff, G. 30037g
Walker, R. 30089
Walter, M. 30038
Wanek, N.M. 30017ax
White, H. 30033
Winkelmüller-Urechia, M. 29017R.
Wiśniewski, P. 30041f, 30090, 30091
Wolfram, G. 30017aw
Wozonig, T. 30043
Zahradniková, Z. 30004
Zanoncelli, L. 30017b
Zauner, S. 30044
Zippe, S. 30019a, 30020a
Zühlke, H. 30017ae
Index of subjects
Agnus Dei 30017y
Alleluia 30017u, 30049
Amalar of Metz 30020c
Ambrosian chant 30022, 30023, 30024, 30064
Antiphonary 29003R, 30017n, 30017aq, 30022d, 30022f, 30037b, 30037e, 30044a, 30071
Antiphons 30022c, 30024b, 30024c, 30056
Antiquity 30006, 30012, 30018
Arnaldo de Monte 30044b
Augustins 30037b
Australia 30037, 30044c
Austria 30007, 30017o, 30017w, 30036l, 30043a, 30043b
Belgium 30029a, 30036i
Benedictine 30017ae, 30067
Beneventan chant 30017aq, 30017ar, 30017at
Bohemia see Czech republic
Breviary 30023e, 30062, 30082
Byzantine chant 30017av, 30017aw, 30017ax, 30018c, 30057
Cantional 30003
Canto de la Sibila 30027
Cantor 30031c
Cantoral 30037f, 30044a
Carolingians 30036a
Catalogue 30005
Cantus planus Study Group 30017
Cartusians 30053
Centonisation (see Formulas) 30008
Chile 30051
Christmas 30020c, 30030a
Cistercians 30007, 30031b
Clarists 30037c
Codicology 30017h
Concile 30018e
Credo 30022h
Croatia 30017ap, 30033b
Crusade 30065
Czech Republic 30003, 30017y, 30036m, 30046b
Databases 30017s
Digital Humanities/Computer-assisted research 30017r, 30017t, 30017z, 30032g, 30036g, 30045a, 30045b, 30045c, 30045d, 30087
Dognaticon 30084
Dominican chant 27/28027R, 30025
Doxology 30017aw
Drogon de Bergues 30066
Early medieval period 30032b
Easter 30031a, 30080
Editio vaticana 30033a
Education 30063
Europe 30017l, 30017u, 30018e, 30033
Exultet 30044d
Formula 30008, 30017aa, 30017ar, 30084
Fragments 29014R, 30005, 30017k, 30018e, 30022d, 30028, 30032, 30045a, 30045b, 30051, 30082, 30086, 30096
France 30015, 30017f, 30017h, 30017m, 30017x, 30017ai, 30017aj, 30017ak, 30021b, 30029a, 30033a, 30036i, 30048, 30059, 30065, 30066
Franco, Francisco 30072
Franks 30036j
Germany 27/28027R, 29014R, 30001, 30002, 30017w, 30017ac, 30017ae, 30017al, 30017am, 30036k, 30038b, 30045b, 30074, 30075, 30093
Gradual (chant book) 30019a, 30020a, 30037h, 30049
Graduals (chants) 30008
Great Britain 30015, 30025, 30035, 30040a, 30072
Gregorian Chant 27/28024R, 29017R, 30006, 30008, 30010, 30012, 30018d, 30019, 30020, 30021d, 30024c, 30033a, 30033b, 30034a, 30045a, 30045d, 30051, 30054, 30067
Guntbert de Saint-Bertin 30066
Guy de Saint-Denis 27/28003R
Hagiography 30017ac, 30017af, 30017ag, 30017ak, 30017am, 30017ap, 30021d, 30036
Hainaut 30029a
Hildegard 30029a
Hispanic rite 30011, 30013, 30017ad, 30050, 30061, 30071, 30076, 30089
Historiae 30036
Holland 30017j
Hungary 29014R, 30032g, 30036m
Hymn 30017at, 30043b, 30052
Illumination 27/28027R, 30044c
Instruments 30040, 30058
Isaac, Heinrich 30038b
Italy 30014, 30016a, 30017f, 30017i, 30017m, 30017ae, 30017af, 30017ag, 30017ah, 30017ai, 30017aq, 30022f, 30023b, 30024a, 30036n, 30036o, 30036p, 30046e
Kyriale 30009, 30033a
Kyrie 30017w
Language 30017ab
Laudes 30074
Lectionary 30048
Liber ordinarius 30002, 30017o, 30043a
Liquescence 30019c
Liturgical manuscripts 30025b
Liturgy 27/28027R, 29017R, 30008, 30009, 30010, 30013, 30015a, 30016a, 30017i, 30017k, 30017o, 30017ah, 30017ai, 30017ap, 30018e, 30023b, 30028b, 30024b, 30025a, 30025b, 30030a, 30031, 30037, 30039, 30041a, 30041e, 30043b, 30050, 30053, 30065, 30076, 30082, 30089
Manuscripts 30014, 30015, 30016a, 30017i, 30017j, 30017l, 30017w, 30017ag, 30017ar, 30017at, 30017av, 30019d, 30025a, 30031a, 30032d, 30036n, 30037, 30055, 30095
Mass 30017ar, 30019a, 30083
Missale 30004, 30041, 30052
Moravia see Czech republic
Music theory 27/28003R, 30001
Mystics 30075
Neo-Mozarabic rite 30078, 30079
Neumes 30017e, 30017t, 30017as, 30020d, 30021e
New Latin song 30017h
New Philology 30017r
Nivelon de Quierzy 30065
Notation (see also Neumes) 30017e, 30017f, 30017g, 30017as, 30021b, 30022g, 30024c, 30041c, 30046b, 30059, 30060, 30077
Notker Balbulus 30038b
Nova Cantica 30038a
Odes 30088
Offertory 30019b, 30019d
Office 30017aa, 30017af, 30017ak, 30017am, 30017aq, 30021d, 30035a, 30036, 30069, 30074, 30078, 30079, 30093
Old Roman chant 29017R, 30021a
Orational 30070
Ordinarium Missae 30009, 30017x, 30041d
Orient 30067
Patrology 30008
Pavia 30028
Pentecost 30031b
Performance practice 30031c, 30042a, 30046, 30092
Peru 30037c
Poland 30023e, 30026, 30036m, 30090, 30091
Pontificale Romanum 30017m
Pontificale Plocense 30041f, 30090
Portugal 30017ao, 30034a, 30053, 30059, 30060, 30089
Prefaces 30090
Processions 30017an, 30022c, 30032b, 30050
Processionals 30024c, 30037, 30044c, 30091
Psalms 30083
Psalmody 30076
Psalter 30040a
Psalterium 27/28016R
Relics 30065
Relics of Saints’ offices 30032c
Responsories 30017ab, 30024b
Rhetoric 30020b, 30081
Rhythm 30020b, 30020d, 30081
Russia 30017ay
Ruthenia 30084
Sacramentary 30026, 30031a, 30044d, 30048, 30072
Sacrifice 30011
Saints (also see Hagiography)
Adalbert 30036p
Aldegonde 30029a
Donatus of Arezzo 30036c
Cecilia 30017af
Eusebius of Vercelli 30036r
Gregory of Narek 30088
Guthlac 30035a
Hedwig 30036p
Mary of the Snow 30037d
Paula the Widow 30037d
Stanislaus 30036p
Ursula 30074
Virgin Mary 30017ap, 30037d
Sanctoral 30017aj
Scandinavia 30004
Semiotics 30017p
Semiology (Gregorian) 30019c
Sequences 30038b, 30094
Slovakia 30004, 30005, 30041
Slovenia 30017n, 30032d
Song of the Sibyl 30027a
South Africa 30017l
Spain 30012, 30013, 30017k, 30027, 30034a, 30037f, 30037h, 30044a, 30044b, 30044d, 30062, 30070, 30071, 30086, 30089
Stephen of Liège 30069
Sticheraria 30017ay
Sweden 30017an, 30032e
Switzerland 30018d, 30018e, 30020d, 30031a
Theology 30010, 30018, 30020b, 30036b, 30080, 30081, 30083
Theory 27/28003R, 30057, 30077, 30085
Transcription 30017p
Transmission 30054, 30058
Tropes 30017v
Tropologion 30017au
Tyrol 30007, 30017v, 30036q, 30063
Venice 30017ao, 30017av
Versus 30017q, 30022e
Vespertinus 30013, 30017ad
Visitatio sepulchri 30017al
Wagner, Peter 30033a
Index of manuscripts
Antiphoner of Izola 30017an
Bassano del Grappa, Civic Library gr. 34B19 30017av
Bratislava, Ústredna knižnica Slovenskej akadémie vied Rkp. zv. 387 30041, 30052
Budapest, National Széchényi Library, Clmae 172a/172b 30049
Codex Calixtinus 30044b
Codex Hartker 30017aa, 30020b, 30081
Codex Hartker St. Gallen 390/391 30019c
Codex Las Huelgas 30092
Fragments (see list in Index of Subjects, Fragments)
Graz, Universitätsbibliothek 1566 30032f
Kraków, National Library Rps BOZ 8 (Tyniec Sacramentary) 30026
León, Archivo Catedralicio núm. 8 30071
London, British Library, Add. MS. 30852 30070
Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 1869/23/102, 103 and 104 30044a
Michelbeuern, Man. Cart. 1 30043b
Montserrat, Biblioteca de Montserrat, ms. 880 30062
Montserrat, Biblioteca de Montserrat, ms. 1601 30082
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Canonici Liturgical 375 30017m
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds latin 1139 30017h, 30017q
Sacramentario de Sahagún, Madrid, BNE, VITR/20/8, 30044d
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 349 30037h
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 364 30037c
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 367 30037b
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 370 30037f
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 376 30037d
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 377 30037g
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 411 30037b
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 413 30037e
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 416 30037a
Sydney, Fisher RB Add. 420 30037a
Tortosa, Archivo Capitular, Cód. 135 30094
Trento, Biblioteca del Castello di Buonconsiglio, Fondo Feininger, ms. FC 74 30022f
Vatican City, Biblioteca Vaticana, Greacus 771 30017au
Vatican City, Biblioteca Vaticana, Greacus 2338 30057
Vaticanus Reginensis Latinus 334 30024c