The publisher apologises that upon publication of the article 2 parts of figure 3 were incorrectly placed with figure 2.
The correct figures and captions are as follows:

Figure 2. (a) Contrast injection in left common femoral vein showing filling of paravertebral venous plexus. (b) Contrast injection in paravertebral venous plexus showing drainage into superior caval vein through azygos vein.

Figure 3. Angiogram in the infrahepatic IVC in AP (a) and lateral (b) views profiling the portosystemic communication and filling of portal radicals, which appear adequate even without balloon occlusion test. (c) Angiogram in the infrahepatic IVC with AVP-II 14 mm device in the Abernethy malformation showing absence of flow into portal system; device extends into the infrahepatic IVC; there is no filling of portal radicals. (d) Image following release of vascular plug. AP, anteroposterior; AVP, Amplatzer vascular plug; IVC, inferior caval vein.