$F$ denotes a non-Archimedean local field (with finite residue field) and $G$ the group of $F$-points of a
connected reductive algebraic group defined over $F$. Let $\frak R(G)$ denote the category of smooth, complex
representations of $G$. Let ${\cal B}(G)$ be the set of pairs $(L,\sigma)$, where $L$ is an $F$-Levi subgroup
of $G$ and $\sigma$ is an irreducible supercuspidal representation of $L$, taken modulo the equivalence
relation generated by twisting with unramified quasi characters and $G$-conjugacy. To $\frak s\in {\cal B}(G)$,
one can attach a full (abelian) sub-category $\frak R^\frak s(G)$ of $\frak R(G)$; the theory of the Bernstein
centre shows that $\frak R(G)$ is the direct product of these $\frak R^\frak s(G)$. The object of the paper is
to give a general method for describing these factor categories via representations of compact open subgroups
within a uniform framework. Fix $\frak s\in {\cal B}(G)$. Let $K$ be a compact open subgroup of $G$ and $\rho$
an irreducible smooth representation of $K$. The pair $(K,\rho)$ is an $\frak s$-type if it has the following
property: an irreducible representation $\pi$ of $G$ contains $\rho$ if and only if $\pi\in \frak R^\frak
s(G)$. Let ${\cal H}(G,\rho)$ be the Hecke algebra of compactly supported $\rho$-spherical functions on $G$;
if $(K,\rho)$ is an $\frak s$-type, then the category $\frak R^\frak s(G)$ is canonically equivalent to the
category ${\cal H}(G,\rho) \text{-Mod}$ of ${\cal H}(G,\rho)$-modules. Let $M$ be a Levi subgroup of $G$; there
is a canonical map ${\cal B}(M)\to {\cal B}(G)$. Take $\frak t\in {\cal B}(M)$ with image $\frak s\in {\cal
B}(G)$. The choice of a parabolic subgroup of $G$ with Levi component $M$ gives functors of {\it parabolic
induction\/} and {\it Jacquet restriction\/} connecting $\frak R^\frak t(M)$ with $\frak R^\frak s(G)$. We
assume given a $\frak t$-type $(K_M,\rho_M)$ in $M$; the paper concerns a general method of constructing from
this data an $\frak s$-type $(K,\rho)$ in $G$. One thus obtains a description of these induction and
restriction functors in terms of an injective ring homomorphism ${\cal H}(M,\rho_M) \to {\cal H}(G,\rho)$. The
method applies in a wide variety of cases, and subsumes much previous work. Under further conditions, observed
in certain particularly interesting cases, one can go some distance to describing ${\cal
H}(G,\rho)$ explicitly. This enables one to isolate cases in which the map on Hecke algebras is an isomorphism,
and this in turn implies powerful intertwining theorems for the types.
1991 Mathematics Subject
Classification: 22E50.