Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Tilden, Ellen L.
Shank, Taylor
Polan Orzech, Catherine
Holmes, Leah R.
Granados, Ravyn
Moosavisahebozamani, Sayehsadat
Starr, David
Caughey, Aaron B.
Graham, Alice M.
Mackiewicz Seghete, Kristen L.
Center M Pilot Trial: Integrating Preventive Mental Health Care in Routine Prenatal Care.
Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health,
Vol. 69,
Issue. 6,
Dalloz, Joseph
A meta ethnographical review of the barriers which children and young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds face when seeking help for self-harm in the UK.
Discover Psychology,
Vol. 4,
Issue. 1,