2056-4724 (Online)
Professor Kenneth R. Kaufman AM, MD, FRCPsych, DLFAPA, FAES
Department of Psychiatry, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, USA; Visiting Professor, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK
- Editorial board
BJPsych Open is a high-quality, online-only open access journal for the publication of all methodologically sound research in psychiatry and disciplines related to mental health. In addition to original research, the journal also publishes research protocols; a variety of review types including narrative, systematic and realist reviews; as well as policy and analysis of topical practice and research findings. The journal maintains the highest scientific, peer-review and ethical standards of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, led by a board of international Editors. With a target turnaround from production receipt to publication of 30 days, BJPsych Open will ensure rapid peer-review and publication.