Episturmian morphisms generalize Sturmian morphisms. They are defined
as compositions of exchange morphisms and two particular morphisms
L, and R. Epistandard morphisms are the morphisms obtained without
considering R. In [14], a general study of these morphims
and of conjugacy of morphisms is given.
Here, given a decomposition of
an Episturmian morphism f
over exchange morphisms and {L,R},
we consider two problems: how to compute
a decomposition of one conjugate of f;
how to compute a list
of decompositions of all the conjugates of f when f is epistandard.
For each problem, we give several algorithms.
Although the proposed methods are fundamently different, we show that
some of these lead to the same result.
We also give other algorithms, using the same input,
to compute for instance the length of the morphism, or
its number of conjugates.