Series Editors
Eve Tavor Bannet is George Lynn Cross Professor Emeritus, University of Oklahoma and Editor of Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture. Her monographs include Empire of Letters: Letter Manuals and Transatlantic Correspondence 1688-1820 (Cambridge, 2005), Transatlantic Stories and the History of Reading, 1720-1820 (Cambridge, 2011), and Eighteenth-Century Manners of Reading: Print Culture and Popular Instruction in the Anglophone Atlantic World (Cambridge, 2017). She is editor of British and American Letter Manuals 1680-1810 (Pickering & Chatto, 2008), Emma Corbett (Broadview, 2011) and with Susan Manning, Transatlantic Literary Studies (Cambridge, 2012).
Markman Ellis is Professor of Eighteenth-Century Studies at Queen Mary University of London. He is the author of The Politics of Sensibility: Race, Gender and Commerce in the Sentimental Novel (1996), The History of Gothic Fiction (2000), The Coffee-House: a Cultural History (2004), and Empire of Tea (co-authored, 2015). He edited Eighteenth-Century Coffee-House Culture (4 vols, 2006) and Tea and the Tea-Table in Eighteenth-Century England (4 vols 2010), and co-editor of Discourses of Slavery and Abolition (2004) and Prostitution and Eighteenth-Century Culture: Sex, Commerce and Morality (2012).
Advisory Board
Linda Bree, Independent
Claire Connolly, University College Cork
Gillian Dow, University of Southampton
James Harris, University of St Andrews
Thomas Keymer, University of Toronto
Jon Mee, University of York
Carla Mulford, Penn State University
Nicola Parsons, University of Sydney
Manushag Powell, Purdue University
Robbie Richardson, University of Kent
Shef Rogers, University of Otago
Eleanor Shevlin, West Chester University
David Taylor, Oxford University
Chloe Wigston Smith, University of York
Roxann Wheeler, Ohio State University
Eugenia Zuroski, MacMaster University