Podcast: Reading bestsellers
Authors of the Element Reading Bestsellers: Recommendation Culture and the Multimodal Reader, Danielle Fuller and DeNel Rehberg Sedo, discuss their research into the relationship readers have with bestsellers and what they found from their qualitative work with a group of international Gen Z readers.
Interview on Reading Bestsellers
'Recommended reading: personal book suggestions carry more weight, study shows' - read the full article here and find out more about the Element Reading Bestsellers: Recommendation Culture and the Multimodal Reader.
The Frankfurt Book Fair and Bestseller Business
Spotted: Beth Driscoll, co-author of The Frankfurt Book Fair and Bestseller Business with a display case of Genre Worlds, The Frankfurt Book Fair and Bestseller Business, The Frankfurt Kabuff, and some research objects linked to them, at the Faculty of Arts at the Universtiy of Melbourne!