Introduction Theobroma cacao L. is economically speakingthe most important species of the genus Theobroma. Cacao is cultured intropical regions and its yield is affected by several diseases, such as black pod.Black pod rot in cacao. Cacao black pod, particularly, is an economicallyserious problem in all areas of the world where cacao is grown, causing significant podlosses of up to 30% and killing up to 10% of the trees annually. The disease is caused bydifferent species of the stramenopile genus Phytophthora and, once it hasinfected a cacao field, its control is fairly difficult. Black pod rot controlstrategies. Several approaches are used to manage black pod: chemical control,phytosanitary and cultural methods, genetic resistance, and biological control. Losses inyield due to black pod could be reduced through integrated management practices, althoughthe results may vary for each cacao-growing region. Main challenges and newapproaches Black pod control could be achieved if an integrated managementstrategy is established, with the combination of biological and chemical methods, geneticcontrol, and adequate cultural methods in an integrated program.