We have carried out a detailed investigation of eclipsing binary star NT Aps using high cadence photometric observations from the TESS satellite and time-series spectra from EFOSC2 at ESO’s New Technology Telescope.a We have, for the first time, determined precise system parameters for this W UMa-type late-type contact binary. Our analysis indicates that the system is composed of two solar-like stars with mass ratio of
$q=0.31$ and orbital period of 0.29475540
$\pm$ 0.00000035 days. These values are typical for common envelope contact binaries. However, the system does not exhibit strong magnetic activity in the form of frequent flaring and large starspots, even if large flare rates have been earlier predicted for this system. This lack of strong magnetic activity further strengthens the earlier indications that the contact binaries are less magnetically active than those of detached chromospherically active binaries with similar parameters.