Publishing policy
A submission to Applied Probability is considered as a submission to either JAP or AAP. Longer papers are typically published in AAP, but the assignment of papers between the two journals is made by the Executive Editor on an issue-by-issue basis. Short communications and letters specifically relating to papers appearing in either JAP or AAP are published in JAP.
Scope of the journals
Papers published in Journal of Applied Probability (JAP) may be either:
- research papers not exceeding 25 printed pages, or
- short communications of a few printed pages in the nature of notes or brief accounts of work in progress,
- letters to the Editor relating specifically to articles that have previously appeared in JAP.
Papers published in Advances in Applied Probability (AAP) can be:
- review papers,
- longer research papers in applied probability, which may include expository material,
- expository papers on branches of mathematics of interest to probabilists,
- papers outlining areas in the biological, physical, social and technological sciences in which probability models can usefully be developed,
- papers in applied probability presented at conferences that do not publish their proceedings,
- letters to the Editor on any appropriate topic in applied probability.
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.