Books for review should be sent to Terry Barringer, Reviews Editor, Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation. Contact the Editor by email at to consult about appropriate books for review for the journal and dispatch details. Potential reviewers are also invited to approach the Reviews Editor with suggestions for book reviews and review articles.
Style for book reviews
Follow this style for presentation of book reviews:
Urmila Mohan and Laurence Douny (eds), The Material Subject: rethinking bodies and objects in motion. Abingdon and New York NY: Routledge (hb £90 – 978 1 350 07736 2). 2021, xxi + 246 pp
Book reviews should be in the range of 500-900 words. They should not include in-text references and any footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Page references can be included in parentheses following citations.
Author name, affiliation and email address can be added at the end of the review.