Submission procedure
Articles must be submitted in English in accordance with the Institute’s Style Guide. Please also consult the Style Guide for guidance on standards for publication-quality electronic images. Articles written by authors whose first language is not English must be edited by a native English speaker prior to initial submission.
All articles will be published with both English and Turkish abstracts. If authors are unable to compose their own Turkish abstract, the BIAA will supply a translation with the first proof; however, it is the author’s responsibility to ensure the translation accurately reflects the article’s content and arguments.
For other considerations of content, style and format please refer to past volumes.
* * *Anatolian Studies is published by Cambridge University Press, and uses its ScholarOne system to accept new submissions. To submit an article, please visit and either log in or create a new account. Once logged in, select the ‘Author’ tab near the top of the screen, then follow the instructions on the ‘Start New Submission’ page.
The full Author User Guide to ScholarOne can be found here:
The submission should be divided into two documents: the Title Page and Main Document. There are separate upload fields for each of these on the ScholarOne system. The Title Page must include all authors’ names, institutional affiliations and email addresses, in addition to the article title.
The Main Document must be anonymised for review prior to uploading, and should conform to the following internal structure:
- Title of article
- Abstract of 100–200 words
- Article text
- Acknowledgements (if applicable)
- Competing interest declaration (see below)
- Appendices (if applicable)
- Bibliography (containing only those works referred to in the text)
- Figures and accompanying captions, including attribution
- Tables and accompanying captions
- Anatolian Studies
Upon successful submission, the corresponding author will receive an email via the ScholarOne system acknowledging receipt and outlining the review process, as well as the terms and conditions under which articles are accepted for publication in Anatolian Studies. After submission, you can log in at any time to check the status of your submission.
Review process
Following submission, the Anatolian Studies editorial team assesses the article and decides whether it should be (a) declined immediately, (b) returned to the author for further development or (c) sent for review by two specialist academic referees, who will be invited via the ScholarOne system. Anatolian Studies follows a double-anonymous review process, meaning that both author(s) and reviewers remain anonymous to one another.
Upon receipt of the two referees’ reports, the article is reassessed by the editorial team, sometimes in consultation with members of the journal’s Editorial Board. At this stage, the article may be (a) accepted, (b) accepted subject to minor revisions, (c) returned for major revisions ahead of resubmission and further review or (d) declined. If revisions are required, the author(s) will be sent a report that details the reviewers’ recommendations.
In addition to addressing the issues raised in the initial reviewer report, revised versions of articles must be accompanied by a correspondence outlining how the issues were addressed, as well as explanations for any suggested revisions they feel unable to undertake. There will be one opportunity only for resubmission in the case of revisions being requested.
Publication process
Once an article has been accepted, the author should submit the final text, tables and print- quality figure files directly to the BIAA via email at (large files may be sent via cloud link or a file-transfer service like WeTransfer).
A first proof will be sent for author review as soon as possible in pdf format, which may include queries from the BIAA Publications Editor. At this stage, authors are expected not to request any substantive changes, save for pointing out errors spotted in the text, tables or figures – which can be identified directly on the pdf – or in response to editor queries. Authors are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of proof corrections. A final proof will then be prepared. Authors will be sent a copy as a pdf file but are expected not to request any changes other than lingering spelling, grammatical or factual errors.
Depending on timing, accepted articles may be published online via Cambridge’s FirstView platform in advance of print publication. Upon publication, authors will receive, free-of-charge, a pdf version of the article.
Licence to publish
Before Cambridge can publish your manuscript, we need a signed licence to publish agreement. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the article. The original ownership of the copyright in the article remains unchanged. For full details see the publishing agreement page.