This page contains information about fees that may be incurred when you publish in this journal.
Article processing charges (APCs)
This journal is a wholly open access journal, which means all articles are published as Gold Open Access under a Creative Commons licence. In many cases Gold Open Access articles are supported by institutional agreements. Authors not covered by such an agreement may have funding from their funding body or institution to pay an article processing charge (APC). However multiple other routes to funding Gold Open Access also exist, including equity initiatives and APC waivers and discounts, in order to ensure that every author can publish in this journal and enjoy the benefits of Gold Open Access. Please see this journal's open access options for full details.
Please see the table below for this journal’s APC fees.
Article Processing Charges for this journal
Currency | APC | Member Rate |
GBP (£) | 2460 | 1968 |
USD ($) | 3550 | 2840 |
UFAW members
UFAW members (who are acting as the corresponding author on a paper) are entitled to a 20% discount on their article processing charge. UFAW members wanting to take up this option will be able to do so during the article submission process.
Waiver policy
We want to ensure that everyone is able to publish in Animal Welfare, regardless of their funding availability. Therefore, for those authors that do not have funding available, or are not covered by a Transformative Agreement, our waiver policies are listed below:
- Editorial waivers: There are no APCs for the following article types: Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Article Commentaries, Book Reviews.
- Transformative Agreements: If the corresponding author’s institution is covered by one of Cambridge University Press’ Transformative Agreements, authors will not pay an article processing charge. You can check your eligibility for an APC waiver or discount using our tool checker here.
- Research4Life: If the corresponding author is from a country on the Research4Life eligibility list, they will receive an automatic full waiver (Group A countries) or 50% discount (Group B countries) of the article processing charge.
- Ad-hoc waivers and discounts: The article processing charge will also be waived in rare cases when authors and their institutes can clearly demonstrate inability to pay. To ensure availability of funding has no bearing on editorial decisions, the Editors are never involved in correspondence with authors on payment of publication charges. The author(s) must request a waiver at or before submission, before an article enters editorial consideration by filling out this form.
More information about open access waivers and discounts can be found here on our website.