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  • ISSN: 0066-4774 (Print), 2056-8819 (Online)
  • Editors: Dr Diana Burton Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Dr Robert Cowan The University of Sydney, Australia, and Professor Caillan Davenport The Australian National University, Australia
  • Editorial board
Published for the Australasian Society for Classical Studies

Antichthon is an annual internationally recognised journal of ancient world studies. While it places its main emphasis on Greece and Rome, its scope has been broadly defined so as to embrace the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean from the beginnings of civilisation to the Early Middle Ages.

The journal is open to contributions from any country, and will publish articles on topics relating to the languages, literature, thought, history, archaeology and reception of the ancient world. It will not undertake full-scale reviewing, but may include occasional reviews and articles reporting the progress of scholarship in a particular field of enquiry. The language of publication is English. From time to time special thematic volumes will be published.

Classics « Cambridge Core Blog

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  • 19 February 2024, Judith Weingarten, Silvia Ferrara and Gerald Cadogan
  • It is rare in the scholarship of Bronze Age Crete, during a period as old as the third and second millennia BCE, to present an inclusive account and analysis...
