The excavations of 1962 were originally planned to take place on three sites: the Amphitheatre, which lies outside the town wall a little to the south-west; a rescue excavation in a derelict garden in Coxwell Street; and a section across the front of the south-east defences at a point about 200 feet west of Miss Rennie's section cut through them in 1952. A week after the start, news came that work for a new police station was to commence during the current financial year, on a site north of Dyer Court, which our Fellow Dr. Graham Webster investigated in 1957. With such short notice, rescue work had to begin here almost at once. Imminent development of yet another building-site, in Victoria Road, was reported towards the end of the excavations, which had to be extended for a fortnight to meet this fresh emergency. Five sites have thus been dealt with this year instead of three, an undertaking of considerable magnitude, and the Committee here records its most grateful thanks to each of those bodies who contributed towards the expenses; to all those who assisted the excavations; to the Gloucestershire County Council for permission to explore the police station site; to the Cirencester Urban District Council for permission to dig in Coxwell Street; to Lord Bathurst for permission to dig at the Amphitheatre; to Mr. Harry Pitts for permission to cut a section across the southern defences; and to Messrs. R. van Gelder, Keen and Co. Ltd.