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Area Studies « Cambridge Core Blog
The importance of open access publishing for the arts and humanities
- 20 December 2023,
- Between 2012 and 2014, I held a two-year Wellcome Trust Research Leave Award (WT096499AIA) for a project on women surgeons in Britain, 1860-1918.…
Introducing the New Editors of the Journal of British Studies
- 04 August 2023,
- We are thrilled to take over as co-editors of the Journal of British Studies, the official publication of the North American Conference on British Studies.
Politics - Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press
Contesting the World: Norm Research in Theory and Practice
- 31 October 2024,
- What are norms, and why do they matter for international relations? How do they help to guide and constitute state behaviour at the international level, as The post Contesting the World: Norm Research in Theory and Practice first appeared on Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press....
Good Governing
- 30 October 2024,
- The constitutions of the fifty states in the United States create by their authority as fundamental law the structure of government and the means and mechanisms The post Good Governing first appeared on Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press....
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