Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Choo, Sang-Mok
Park, Sang-Min
Cho, Kwang-Hyun
Minimal intervening control of biomolecular networks leading to a desired cellular state.
Scientific Reports,
Vol. 9,
Issue. 1,
Oude Maatman, Freek
Reformulating the network theory of mental disorders: Folk psychology as a factor, not a fact.
Theory & Psychology,
Vol. 30,
Issue. 5,
Jones, Payton J.
Mair, Patrick
Simon, Thorsten
Zeileis, Achim
Network Trees: A Method for Recursively Partitioning Covariance Structures.
Vol. 85,
Issue. 4,
Kaiser, Ariela J.E.
Funkhouser, Carter J.
Mittal, Vijay A.
Walther, Sebastian
Shankman, Stewart A.
Test-retest & familial concordance of MDD symptoms.
Psychiatry Research,
Vol. 292,
Issue. ,
Langwerden, Robbert J.
Thompson, Michelle G.
Wagner, Eric F.
Multidimensional conceptualization of identity and psychopathology: Assessing mental health disparities from an intersectional and dimensional framework.
Personality and Mental Health,
Vol. 15,
Issue. 4,
McNally, Richard J.
Network Analysis of Psychopathology: Controversies and Challenges.
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology,
Vol. 17,
Issue. 1,
Langwerden, Robbert J.
Van der Heijden, Paul T.
Claassen, Tom
Derksen, Jan J. L.
Egger, Jos I. M.
The structure of dimensions of psychopathology in normative and clinical samples: Applying causal discovery to MMPI-2-RF scales to investigate clustering of psychopathology spectra and p-factors.
Frontiers in Psychiatry,
Vol. 13,
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Boersma, Katja
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Hesser, Hugo
Fear network and pain extent: Interplays among psychological constructs related to the fear-avoidance model.
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Fritze, Stefan
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Wolf, Robert Christian
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Deciphering the interplay between psychopathological symptoms, sensorimotor, cognitive and global functioning: a transdiagnostic network analysis.
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience,
Vol. 274,
Issue. 7,
Target article
Brain disorders? Not really: Why network structures block reductionism in psychopathology research
Related commentaries (29)
Beyond reduction with the representation: The need for causality with full complexity to unravel mental health
Beyond trait reductionism: Implications of network structures for dimensional models of psychopathology
Brain networks for emotion and cognition: Implications and tools for understanding mental disorders and pathophysiology
Brain networks require a network-conscious psychopathological approach
Conceptualizing neurodevelopmental disorders as networks: Promises and challenges
Elimination, not reduction: Lessons from the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) and multiple realisation
Evolutionary-developmental modeling of neurodiversity and psychopathology
Families of network structures – we need both phenomenal and explanatory models
Functional disorders can also be explained through a non-reductionist application of network theory
Getting to the bottom of things: The value of evolutionary approaches in discerning the origin of psychopathology
Indeed, not really a brain disorder: Implications for reductionist accounts of addiction
Intentional content in psychopathologies requires an expanded interpretivism
Making a case for constructive reductionism
Neither biological nor symptomatology reductionism: A call for integration in psychopathology research
Network models can help focus research on the role of culture and context in psychopathology, but don't discount latent variable models
Networks, intentionality and multiple realizability: Not enough to block reductionism
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Reductionism – simplified and scientific
Reductionist thinking and animal models in neuropsychiatric research
Special, radical, failure of reduction in psychiatry
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Taking an engineer's view: Implications of network analysis for computational psychiatry
The adaptive self: Culture and social flexibility in feedback networks
The biology of mental disorders: What are we talking about?
The network takeover reaches psychopathology
The value of clinical and translational neuroscience approaches to psychiatric illness
Therapy and prevention for mental health: What if mental diseases are mostly not brain disorders?
What's in a model? Network models as tools instead of representations of what psychiatric disorders really are
Why not be pluralists about explanatory reduction?
Author response
Reductionism in retreat