Instructions for Contributors (revised June 2021)
Byzantine submissions will be assessed by
Professor Baukje van den Berg (
Post-Byzantine submissions will be assessed by
Professor David Ricks (
1. The maximum length of an article should be 8000 words, including footnotes; for critical studies, 3500 words; for reviews 1000 words.
Authors should ensure that all diacritics in all languages are correctly placed.
The editors reserve the right to reject unread any submission which is not presented in competent academic English, irrespective of the quality of the content. Authors who are not native speakers should consider employing a competent native speaker of English to check and correct their text before it is submitted.
BMGS does not publish texts that have already been published, whether in English or in any other language.
2. An ABSTRACT of not more than 100 words, outlining the contents and argument of the article, should be provided during the submission process. A list of four or five keywords should also be submitted, eg:
Keywords: Byzantine court ceremonial; Greek history; literary translation; urban settlements
3. ILLUSTRATIONS. BMGS is unable to publish colour illustrations in the print version (unless paid for by the author), but they will appear in the online version. Authors should ensure that colour images, to a normal maximum number of five, are supplied in such a form that they will print clearly in black and white. Articles that require copious illustration are perhaps better submitted to other journals.
Cambridge University Press to receive figures in the following electronic formats. TIFF or JPEG files are preferred for halftones, at a resolution of 300 dpi at their final published size and EPS or PDF formats for files containing original line work (vector info) or a mixture of line work and halftone. For full information on supply of illustrations and permission to reproduce them please visit the following page on the Cambridge website:
If in doubt please contact
Please note that authors are responsible for securing copyright permissions. Authors should also supply a list of figures with their accompanying captions.
4. GREEK TYPE. Greek should be supplied in a Unicode font such as Times New Roman.
5. SPELLING. British spelling conventions should be followed. In words where there is a choice between ending in –ize and in –ise, –ize should be used. ‘Circa’ should be abbreviated as ‘c.’
APOSTROPHES. In the possessive case of Greek names ending in –s, s’ should be used, not s’s: thus Socrates’.
HYPHENS AND DASHES. Use hyphens for hyphenation (e.g. ‘re-use’) but use en-dashes for closed range of values (e.g. ‘1–15 and 25–9’). For interpolations stronger than those demarcated by parentheses, use space, en-dash, space (e.g. “A flock of sparrows – some of them juveniles – alighted and sang’).
GENERAL. Useful guidance on presentation is to be found in theModern Humanities Research Association Style Guide:
6. FOOTNOTES should generally be confined to necessary references. See para. 12.
7. ALTERATIONS IN PROOFS are expensive and should be kept to an absolute minimum. The journal reserves the right to charge authors the cost of making alterations and additions (other than corrections of typesetters’ mistakes).
8. QUOTATIONS. Verse quotations should be marked as such in the left-hand margin.
8.1 QUOTATIONS OF TEXTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Byzantine texts quoted in articles should be in the original, accompanied by an English translation. In other cases the inclusion of English translations of passages in Greek and other foreign languages into English is a matter for discussion between authors and the editors. Authors are advised to consult the editors about this matter when preparing their submissions.
9. ABBREVIATIONS should not be used in the body of the text, except for standard cases such as Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms, St.
10. SINGLE INVERTED COMMAS should be used for quotations, for words or phrases used in a special or technical sense, and for titles of articles etc., but quotations over 50 words should be indented and single-spaced without inverted commas.
DOUBLE INVERTED COMMAS should be used only to indicate a quotation or title within another quotation or title.
11. NUMERALS. In ranges of numbers (e.g. years and page numbers), avoid repeating the same digits: thus, 1867–88 (not 1867–1888), 123–45 (not 123–145). Exceptions: (i) in years, repeat the thousand even if the hundred is the same (1867–1976, not 1867–976); (ii) in numbers from 10 to 19, the ten should always be repeated (11–19, not 11–9). Four-figure numbers (3000) should appear without a comma (not 3,000).
12. BMGS does not publish bibliographies (lists of works cited) at the end of articles. Instead, all references are given in footnotes. Superscript footnote numbers in the text should be placed after rather than before punctuation points. Titles of books and articles should be given in full on first reference, preceded by the author’s initial (or initials) and surname. For Greek titles, capitalize only those words that would be capitalized in normal discourse. For other languages, follow local rules.
12.1. The first time they are cited, references to BOOKS should be made thus (note absence of comma before, after and within the parenthesis containing place and year of publication; also omit publishers’ names. Where a book has two places of publication, e.g. ‘Ithaca, NY and London’, include only the first.
R. J. H. Jenkins, Byzantium: The Imperial Centuries: A.D. 610– 1071 (London 1966) 160–85.
C. Diehl, Manuel d’art byzantin, 2nd edn, II (Paris 1926) 552–3.
Syméon le Nouveau Théologien, Catéchèses, ed. B. Krivochéine, 3 vols [Sources Chrétiennes, 96, 104, 113] (Paris 1963–5).
D. Lodge (ed.), Modern Criticism and Theory (London 1988) 36–42.
For books published in English, initial capitals should be used for all major words in the main title. Where there is a subtitle, that should appear in lower case. For subsequent references to the same book the author’s surname (without initials) and the title of the work (abbreviated if necessary) should be used subsequently, with a comma separating the title from the page numbers. Op.cit. should be used only if the work has been cited in the immediately preceding footnote, and in the case of a work cited frequently an abbreviation may be used. Examples:
Jenkins, Byzantium, 160–85.
Diehl, Manuel d’art byzantin, II, 552–3.
Syméon, Catéchèses, II, 110–13.
Lodge (ed.), Modern Criticism and Theory, 36–42.
12.2. The first time they are cited, references to ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS AND CHAPTERS IN EDITED VOLUMES should be made thus; note absence of commas, as in 13.1:
M. Mullett, ‘The “disgrace” of the ex-Basilissa Maria’, Byzantinoslavica 45 (1984) 211–19.
P. Golden, ‘The peoples of the Russian forest belt’, in D. Sinor (ed.), The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia (Cambridge 1990) 256–8.
For works published in English, initial capitals should be used only for proper names. Please note that all journal titles should be given in full, not abbreviated, every time they are referred to. Note also that the full page numbers of articles should be given on first appearance; where a specific page is cited for the purpose of the footnote in question it should appear in round brackets after the full page numbers.
On first reference to every article, contributors should give the full
title of the periodical cited.
For subsequent references to the same article or chapter, use the same
conventions as in 12.1.
12.3. Citations from BYZANTINE AUTHORS should be made by author’s name, transliterated from the Greek, title of the work as given by the editor, name of editor, volume number, place and date of publication, and page number. Thus
George Pachymeres, Relations historiques, ed. A. Failler, I (Paris 1984) 61. (Thereafter Pachymeres, I, 61).
Nikephoros Gregoras, Byzantina Historia, ed. L. Schopen, II (Bonn 1830) 1012. (Thereafter Gregoras, II, 1012).
Authors’ names should be transliterated, while titles of books and journals should be given in Greek characters. Capitals should be used in titles only where the word would be capitalized in ordinary discourse, or where the capitalizing of a book title is conventional. Places of publication and other information should be in English. Do not translate Greek titles into English:
A. Sikelianos, Λυρικός Βίος, 1 (Athens 1992) 56.
R. Beaton, ‘Ο Σικελιανός όπως τον γνώρισε ο Σεφέρης’, Αντί 235 (November 2001) 749.
Supplementary materials
Material that is not essential to understanding or supporting a manuscript, but which may nonetheless be relevant or interesting to readers, may be submitted as supplementary materials. Supplementary materials will be published online alongside your article, but will not be published in the pages of the journal. Types of supplementary materials may include, but are not limited to, appendices, additional tables or figures, datasets, videos, and sound files.
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