The number and volume of feeding and oviposition holes made by female white pine weevils, Pissodes strobi (Peck), on lateral branches of resistant and susceptible Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr., were determined. When all possible effects of weevil reproduction on feeding rates were eliminated, by using reproductively noncompetent weevils, there was no significant difference in the number of feeding holes made on the two host types. In addition, the volume of feeding holes was unaffected by host type on day 1. In contrast, when differential reproductive activity was induced by treating weevils with juvenile hormone, and the host factor was eliminated, by using only the susceptible host, higher reproductive activity was accompanied by a significantly larger number of feeding holes. Hormone treatment also led to an increase in the volume of feeding holes in the absence of any influence of host factors. Results are interpreted in relation to the direct effects of host resistance on feeding rates (which determine host acceptability) and the indirect effects of host resistance on feeding rates mediated through the physiology of the weevils (which determine host suitability). Our results show that both the number of feeding holes and their volume are determined primarily through weevil metabolism.