In Can. Ent., 1894 (Vol. XXVI ., p. 293), Prof. G. H. French described the early stages of this species, but failed to get the larvæ past their second moult. Prof. French kindly sent me eggs, and I have raised the larva through all its stages. It is, however, exactly like the normal H. maia, already described by Prof. Riley and Dr. Lintner, as we might expect from the position to which the moth has been assigned. I will, therefore, not take up space to redescribe the several stages in detail. The characters of the tubercles and setæ are such as I have described for the Hemileucidæ (Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., XIV., 55), and are the same as in Pseudohazis. In my account of the genus (Psyche, VII., 91), the statements about the arrangement of the setæ are inaccurate, owing to insufficient amplification (only a lens was used). I add, therefore, figures of the thoracic and abdominal setæ, stages I. and II. of Hemileuca, showing the true arrangement, and these may be considered to stand also for Pseudohazis.