Aleurodicus Dugesii, n. sp.—Length, 1⅔ mm.; length of anterior wing, 2¼ mm.; its greatest breadth nearly 1½ mm. Pale grayish-ochreous, covered with while meal, abdomen beneath shining silvery. Wings white; upper wings iridescent, with markings similar to those of A. ornatus, but very pale gray and quite different in detail. There are four gray bands crossing the wings, of which only the third and fourth are joined by a longitudinal band. The first (basal) band bends abruptly inwards after crossing the main nervure, which branches so near the base of the wing that there are practically two nervures, the first gray band failing in the angle between them, but strong again beyond the second. Second gray band broad as far as the first nervure, just beyond it interrupted broadly, but continued as a large, nearly circular, gray patch, the greater part of which is above the second nervure, and passing thence as an oblique narrow band to the margin.