Once an article has been accepted, the process of copyediting, proofing, typesetting and publishing the article will begin.
Your point of contact will be the content manager of the journal. For more information about how production works, please see our information on publishing an accepted paper, which explains how an article goes from accepted manuscript to fully published. There may be small differences between journals with this process. You can also check our Journal Production FAQs.
License to publish
On acceptance of a paper, the author will be asked to sign a licence to publish with Cambridge University Press. An article cannot be published unless a signed licence to publish form is returned promptly. Please see more information under 'Publishing agreement'.
The answers to any queries sent to a contributor by an editor should ideally be returned within one week of receipt. Any queries which the copy-editor has are emailed to contributors after the copy-edited text has been sent to be typeset. They should be dealt with either by marking the proofs as necessary, or by responding by email to the copy-editor.
Proofs should ideally be dealt with and returned within three days. Typographical or factual errors only may be changed at proof stage. The publisher reserves the right to charge authors for correction of non-typographical errors.
CEH uses the FirstView system to publish articles online ahead of the print edition. For more details please see our FAQs.
Articles published online under the FirstView model are considered published, and have a DOI which can be used for citation. No further revisions can be made after FirstView publication of an article. Articles will later be assigned to an appropriate issue by the journal's Editor. Articles may appear in a different order in issues to the order they were published under FirstView.