As an addition to the papers brought together in this special issue here is an informative dossier, which we have tried to make comprehensive, on recent research work (published since 2001) connected with the field of rumors and urban legends.
This dossier includes reviews of eight French publications.
In 2002 came the second edition of Jean-Bruno Renard's Que Sais-je volume Rumeurs et légendes urbaines; the book by Véronique Campion-Vincent and Jean-Bruno Renard De source sûre; and Pascal Froissart's study La Rumeur, histoire et fantasmes.
In 2003 there was Gérald Bronner's L'Empire des croyances.
The year 2004 saw the publication of a more marginal work by Yves-Marie Bercé, A la recherche des trésors cachés, du XVIe siècle à nos jours, which highlighted a whole complex of rumors and legends around this universal theme.
In 2005 the following were published: Philippe Aldrin's Sociologie politique des rumeurs; Véronique Campion-Vincent's La Société parano. Théories du complot, menaces et incertitudes; and finally Frédéric Dumerchat and Philippe Veniel's Forêt de Chizé: attention puma! focusing on the group of legends about mystery big cats.