Please send your completed book review to the Book Review Editor via email ( The final version approved by the Editor must be submitted via the English Today's online submission system (ScholarOne):
For any queries regarding Book Reviews, please contact the English Today's Book Review Editor:
Professor Eun-Young Julia Kim
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN, USA
Book reviews: Guidance for authors
Book reviews in English Today
English Today provides cutting-edge reports on the style, usage, and development of British, American, and the world’s many varieties of English. To that end, the journal strives to publish reviews of new and thought-provoking books and media resources that engage with important trends and developments in the English language. A fair, authoritative review of scholarly work is an important goal of the journal. For this reason, most book/media reviews are invited by the English Today Book Review Editor.
The journal selects a small number of newly published works for review based on the importance and relevance of the topics and typically publishes 2-3 reviews in each issue. Reviews are intended to target a broad readership of scholars and practitioners from diverse perspectives.
Pre-submission and review process
Those who are interested in submitting unsolicited reviews may contact the Book Review Editor (
Potential reviewers will be asked to declare any connection they have to the author of the work being reviewed and explain why they consider English Today as an appropriate venue for the review. A manuscript is reviewed by the Book Review Editor, who makes the final recommendation for publication.
Criteria for submission
Book/Media Reviews should meet the following criteria:
- The work being reviewed was published within the last two years.
- The subject of the work is relevant to the journal’s scope and is likely to be of interest to a wide range of the journal’s readers across geographic and disciplinary boundaries. The work focuses on an aspect of the English language, not on pedagogical issues.
- The book was published by a legitimate/reputable publisher.
- The reviewer does not have a conflict of interest.
- The review presents balanced views. Any weakness mentioned is supported by compelling reasons.
- The reviewer has an appropriate academic background for the particular review.
Manuscript preparation
At the minimum, a review should include the following:
- A unique title of the review.
- Biographical details including the author/editor name, book title, edition, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, ISBN, and price information.
- Up to 6 keywords.
- A brief description of the author’s objectives and the intended audience.
- A brief overview of the content and organization rather than a chapter-by-chapter summary.
- A discussion of the unique contributions of the given work to the scholarly dialogue within the field.
- An overall assessment of the work based on the critical examination of the evidence laid out in the work.
- A set of relevant keywords (maximum 6 keywords).
Format and style
- Length should be 1,200-1,500 words (not including references). Longer or shorter reviews may be accepted depending on the work being reviewed upon consultation with the book review editor.
- Manuscripts should be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, with 1-inch margin on all sides and include a title.
- All matters of bibliographical style should follow the journal’s guidelines on 'Preparing your materials'.
- Language should be accessible to accommodate readers who may not be familiar with the topic. The tone should be respectful and scholarly even when discussing weaknesses.
- Direct quotations should be used sparingly and page numbers should be included.
Invited reviews
We normally send reviewers a copy of the book to be reviewed. Once a reviewer accepts the review request, a completed review should be submitted within 2 months of receiving the review copy. If the reviewer cannot complete the review for any reason, the book should be returned to the Editor immediately so that it can be sent to another reviewer.
Last updated: 03 February 2025