Environmental contamination has been shown to be an important aspect of the epidemiology of salmonellosis in calves. Markets and transport vehicles are important links in the calf marketing chain and these were investigated to determine the level of salmonella contamination.
Salmonellas were isolated from 7 of the 14 markets surveyed, with 31 of 838 samples (3.7%) being positive. Nine different salmonella serotypes, of which the commonest was Salmonella typhimurium, were isolated. Four different phage types of S. typhimurium were detected, the commonest being DT204C.
Salmonellas were isolated from 22 of the 107 vehicles (20.6%) examined before washing and from 4 of the 62 vehicles (6.5%) examined after cleaning. Twelve different salmonella serotypes were isolated, of which the most frequent was S. typhimurium. The commonest of the six different S. typhimurium phage types was DT204C.
These results indicate that improved cleaning and disinfection routines both for vehicles and markets are necessary to control salmonellosis in calves.