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Editorial board

Martin Burger, Computational Imaging Group and Helmholtz Imaging, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg,|and  Department of Mathematics, Universitat Hamburg, Bundesstraße 55,20146 Hamburg, Germany

John King, School of Mathematical Science|University of Nottingham|University Park|Nottingham NG7 2RD

Michael Jeffrey Ward, Department of Mathematics|121-1984 Mathematics Rd|University of British Columbia|Vancouver BC|CANADA V6T 1Z2

Social Media Editor

Scott McCue, School of Mathematical Sciences|Science and Engineering Faculty|Queensland University of Technology|O-Block, Level 6, Room O609B-01|Garden Point Campus|2 George St.|Brisbane City QLD 4000|Australia

Editorial Board

Zhiming Chen, Institute of Computational Mathematics |Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science|Chinese Academy of Sciences|Beijing 100080 |CHINA

Radek Erban, Mathematical Institute|University of Oxford|Radcliffe Observatory Quarter|Woodstock Road|Oxford, OX2 6GG

Oliver Jensen, School of Mathematics |University of Manchester |Oxford Road|Manchester M13 9PL,|UK

Rachel Kuske, School of Math, Georgia Tech |686 Cherry Street |Atlanta GA 30332-0160|USA

A. A. Lacey, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Yuan Lou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Anna Marciniak-Czochra, Heidelberg University|Institute of Applied Mathematics|Mathematikon|Im Neuenheimer Feld 205 |D-69120 Heidelberg|Germany

Scott McCue, School of Mathematical Sciences|Science and Engineering Faculty|Queensland University of Technology|O-Block, Level 6, Room O609B-01|Garden Point Campus|2 George St.|Brisbane City QLD 4000|Australia|

Christoph Ortner, The University of British Columbia|170-6371 Crescent Road|Vancouver, BC|Canada V6T 1Z2|

Mark Peletier, Department of Mathematics|Technical University of Eindhoven|Den Dolech 2|P.O. Box 513|5600 MB EINDHOVEN|NETHERLANDS

Mason Porter, UCLA, 7619B Mathematical Sciences Building|520 Portola Plaza,|Los Angeles,|CA 90024,|USA

Mary Pugh, Department of Mathematics|University of Toronto|40 St George St, Room 6290,|Toronto|Ontario M5S 2E4|CANADA

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP)|University of Cambridge|Wilberforce Road|Cambridge CB3 0WA|UK

Anke Wiese, Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics|School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences |Heriot-Watt University |Edinburgh EH14 4AS |UK

Thomas P. Witelski, Mathematics Department|Duke University, Box 90320 |Durham, NC 27708-0320|USA