0003-9756 (Print),
1474-0583 (Online)
Prof. Dr Jens Beckert
Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Germany,
Dr François Bonnet
Pacte - CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), France,
Dr Robert Braun
University of California, Berkeley, USA,
Dr Michel Dubois
Sorbonne Université - CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), France,
Professor Marion Fourcade
University of California, Berkeley, USA,
Professor Monika Krause
London School of Economics, UK,
Professor Patrick Le Galès
CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), France,
Professor Roberta Sassatelli
University of Bologna, Italy
- Editorial board
The European Journal of Sociology publishes innovative, empirical and theoretical research articles from every field of sociology. It is open to sociologically informed contributions from anthropologists, economists, historians, lawyers and political scientists. The journal has a special reputation for comparative and historical sociology but is not limited to these fields. It is methodologically open to qualitative and quantitative research. The journal aims to contribute to the diffusion of sociological research from European countries and to enhance interaction between European and non-European sociology.