When a defendant is asked to plead to a criminal charge, he is not restricted to the pleas of guilty and not guilty. Other pleas well known to lawyers include autrefois acquit and the plea to the jurisdiction. Some older pleas such as benefit of clergy have been abolished.
The plea of non vult contendere cum domina Regina et posuit se in gratiam curiae is unfamiliar to Australian lawyers. The last reported use of the plea in England was in 1702 in The Queen v. Telnpleman. The report of this case is unfortunately brief:
After pleading guilty to an indictment, the defendant may give evidence that justifies the fact in mitigation oj punishment—S.C. 3 Danv. 253. S.C. 1 Salk. 55.
After pleading guilty to an indictment, you may give anything in evidence that justifies the fact, or proves him not guilty of the fact; for the entry is non vult contendere cum dominâ Reginâ, sed ponit se in gratiam Curiae. And it is not like the case where one is found guilty by verdict.