Global Constitutionalism aims to publish one special issue per year on a topic within the journal’s remit. In order to make the process as fair as possible for all special issue proposers, the editorial team has decided to move to a system of a single annual call for special issues.
The current deadline for special issue proposals is the 5th of July 2024.
We welcome proposals on special issues from scholars in law, politics, international relations, and political philosophy as well as related fields that address constitutional principles and norms on a global scale. We are particularly interested in proposals that include scholars from numerous fields, of diverse backgrounds, and from academic institutions outside the global north. Proposers are strongly encouraged to consult Global Constitutionalism’s recent volumes to see the type of work we publish, and to review our two most recent editorials to see the current editorial steer of the journal.
Proposals should consist of a two-page statement about the theme of the issue and the reason why the special issue editors believe it should be published as a single volume. This should be followed by a list of proposed articles with a 200 word abstract for each piece. Please also include a brief (4 – 5 sentence) biography for each author. In general, special issues should consist of an introduction by the special issue editor followed by 8 – 10 articles that are around 10,000 – 12,000 words in length. We will consider formats that deviate from this, but the special issue proposers should offer a rationale for alternative formats in their proposal. All research articles in Global Constitutionalism undergo double-blind peer review. Acceptance of a special issue proposal is no guarantee that any specific article within the special issue will be accepted for publication as an outcome of the review process.
Please read the updated guidelines before submitting a special issue proposal.
Please submit your special issue proposal via email to: