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Policy on prior publication

When authors submit manuscripts to this journal, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press within a different journal, book or similar entity, unless explicit permission or agreement has been sought from all entities involved. However, deposition of a preprint on the author’s personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a preprint archive shall not be viewed as prior or duplicate publication. Authors should follow the Cambridge University Press Preprint Policy regarding preprint archives and maintaining the version of record. 

Preparing your article for submission

Beneath article title and author(s) name(s) provide name of academic (or other) institution/attachment together with its full address. Also supply on a separate line the contactable email address.

Check that the article’s Abstract is present after the above and follow the Abstract with a maximum of five Keywords in alphabetical order.

Harvard-based style:

NB: There are no separate footnotes in this style.

Headings: Use Roman numerals in the A head. Do not use numbers or letters in the B and C heads. Keep to the three levels as below:

<A head> I. Introduction

<B head> International terrorism as a trigger for ‘bad’ norm dynamics

<C head> Securitization theory: Security speech and its context. [Text continues]

References (main text): In main text separate references with semi-colons e.g. (Dunoff and Trachtman, eds 2009; Klabbers, Peters, and Ulfstein 2009; Krisch 2010). Separate date from page reference with colon e.g. (Gerring et al. 2005: 336). When quoting page ranges elide numbers and combine with an en dash not hyphen e.g. (Smith 2008: 427–29).

Quotation marks: In main text use single quotation marks and double quotation marks within single quotation marks e.g. As Michael Williams notes: ‘Any issue is capable of securitization if it can be intensified to the point where it is presented and accepted as an "existential threat"’ (2003: 516).

Superscripts: Only use to refer to footnote and place outside punctuation e.g. From the Rousseauian point of view, the latter duty is the exclusive ‘virtue of sovereigns’,33 and since (as above) a global sovereign seems an unlikely prospect, concern for overall condition remains a purely domestic affair, as arguably reflected in the fact that even committed cosmopolitans focus today on much more minimal goals.34

Abbreviations: e.g., i.e., vs., cf. but ed, eds, edn (no full points).

Acknowledgements: Place at end of text under separate A head and before their competing interests declaration (not in footnotes).

Reference section: Ensure that references in the main text are included in the Reference section together with full citation detail. Similarly check that all references in the Reference section are referred to in the main text. Please do not use author name placeholders in the reference list, names need to be spelled out in each occurrence.

Book-style references:

Dworkin, Ronald. 2000. Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Aiko, Yuichi. 2006. "Rousseau and Saint-Pierre’s Peace Project: A Critique of ‘History of International Relations Theory’." In Classical Theory in International Relations, edited by Beate Jahn, 96–120. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Journal-style references:

Perry, Glenn E. 2006. "Imperial Democratization: Rhetoric and Reality." Arab Studies Quarterly 28(3):55–88.

NB: Insert journal issue number in brackets after volume number, where appropriate.

Internet/website references:

Working Paper available at: .

Press Release, October 9, 2009, at:.

Enclose URL in angle brackets. Please do not include 'recently accessed' dates in website references.

Chicago-based style:

NB: All notes, citations (book/journal/cases) are contained in the footnotes. There is no separate Reference section.

Headings: Use Roman numerals in the A head. Do not use numbers or letters in the B and C heads. Keep to the three levels as below:

<A head> Introduction

<B head> Methodological orientation

<C head> Securitization theory: Security speech and its context. [Text continues]

Quotation marks: In main text and footnotes use single quotation marks and double quotation marks within single quotation marks e.g. As Michael Williams notes: ‘Any issue is capable of securitization if it can be intensified to the point where it is presented and accepted as an "existential threat"’.

Superscripts: Only use to refer to particular footnote and place outside punctuation for example:

In turn, sovereignty, even when portrayed today as ‘challenged’ and ‘transformed’, for example by the rise in importance of non-state actors, claiming new subjectivity in international law1 or driving constitutional rights creation in parts of Asia,2 still tends to hide the underlying dynamics of inclusion and exclusion, the stark divide between ‘core’ and ‘periphery’3 and the persistent discrimination of the ‘other’.

Acknowledgements: Place at end of text with separate A head (not in footnotes).

Abbreviations: e.g., i.e., vol. but p, pp, para(s), art, ed, eds, edn, vs (no full points).


When quoting page ranges elide numbers and combine with an en dash not hyphen e.g. Yishai Blank, ‘Localism in the Global Legal Order’ (2006) 47 Harvard International Law Journal 263–81.

When quoting publication cited in earlier footnote, refer to prior note number, for example: 45 See (n 33) 695–707.

Case citation examples:

See interpretative controversies in LG&E Energy Corp v Argentina, Decision on Liability, ICSID Case No ARB/02/1 (3 October 2006); LG&E Energy Corp v Argentina, Award, ICSID Case No ARB/02/1 (July 25, 2007); Cont’l Cas Co v Argentina, Award, ICSID Case No ARB/03/9, Sept 5, 2008; Sempra Energy International v Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/02/16, Decision on the Argentine Republic’s Request for Annulment of the Award, 29 June 2010; Enron v Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/3, Decision on the Argentine Republic’s Request for Annulment of the Award, 30 July 2010.

Book-style references:

AI Gavil, WE Kovacic and JB Baker, Antitrust Law in Perspective: Cases, Concepts, and Problems in Competition Policy (2nd edn, Thomson/West, St Paul, 2008) 88.

TE Kauper and EA Snyder, ‘Private Antitrust Cases that Follow on Government Cases’ in LJ White (ed), Private Antitrust Litigation: New Evidence, New Learning (MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1988) 329.

Journal-style references:

O Kahn-Freund, ‘On Uses and Misuses of Comparative Law’ (1974) 37 Modern Law Review 1, 12.

JJ Spengler, ‘Vertical Integration and Antitrust Policy’ (1950) 58 The Journal of Political Economy 347–52; LG Telser, ‘Why Should Manufacturers Want Fair Trade?’ (1960) 3 Journal of Law and Economics 86–105.

Internet/website references:

See International Court of Justice, Case Concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Preliminary Objections of 24 May 2007), available at

Enclose URL in angle brackets. Please do not include 'recently accessed' dates in website references.

Abstract and Keywords Preparation

For guidance on how to prepare your Abstracts and Keywords, please refer to these guidelines.

How to prepare your materials for anonymous peer review

To ensure a fair and anonymous peer review process, authors should not allude to themselves as the authors of their article in any part of the text. This includes citing their own previous work in the references section in such a way that identifies them as the authors of the current work.

Please refer to our general guidelines on how to anonymise your manuscript prior to submission.

English language editing services 

Authors, particularly those whose first language is not English, may wish to have their English-language manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission. This step is optional, but may help to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by the Editor and any reviewers.  

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Tables and Artwork

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Competing Interests

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If the manuscript has multiple authors, the author submitting must include competing interest declarations relevant to all contributing authors. 

Example wording for a declaration is as follows: “Competing interests: Author 1 is employed at organisation A, Author 2 is on the Board of company B and is a member of organisation C. Author 3 has received grants from company D.” If no competing interests exist, the declaration should state “Competing interests: The author(s) declare none”. 

Ethics and Transparency Policy Requirements

Please ensure that you have reviewed the journal’s Publishing ethics policies while preparing your materials. 

Please also ensure that you have read the journal’s Research transparency policy prior to submission. We encourage the use of a Data Availability Statement at the end of your article before the reference list. Guidance on how to write a Data Availability Statement can be found here. Please try to provide clear information on where the data associated with you research can be found and avoid statements such as “Data available on request”.

A list of suggested data repositories can be found here.

Research with Human Participants

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Supplementary materials

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