As you prepare to submit your manuscript to History of Education Quarterly, please review the overview and guidelines on the following pages. Following them will ensure your study matches the journal's requirements and will help you move smoothly through the process of peer review, production, and publication.
In evaluating submissions, the editors look for evidence of historical significance, analysis, evidence, and clarity. The journal’s peer reviewers evaluate manuscripts in light of the following kinds of questions: 1) Does the author effectively establish the significance of the manuscript by providing a new interpretation of the topic, examining new evidence, or advancing a new theoretical perspective? 2) Does the author critically analyze and reassess existing scholarship based on recent findings, new methodologies, new theories, or original questions? 3) Is the research sufficiently grounded in primary as well as secondary sources? 4) Is the manuscript logically organized and well written?
Article types
History of Education Quarterly publishes the following article types:
- Articles*
- Presidential Addresses*
- Review Essays*
- Policy Dialogues*
- Introductions*
- Forums*
- Editorials
- Editorial Introductions
- Book Reviews
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.