If you wish to review a title for the ICLQ and require a copy of the book, please email your suggestion to the Managing Editor Anna Riddell-Roberts a.riddell@biicl.org including a brief biography indicating your suitability to review the book and your postal address. If the book is one we wish to have reviewed, a copy will be requested from the publisher for you.
Alternatively if you already have access to a copy of the book, you may simply upload your review to the ScholarOne platform, where all reviews must be submitted: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iclq
Book reviews should be between 500 and 1,000 words.
Longer book review articles which discuss more than one book covering a similar theme will be considered for publication, at the discretion of the book review editors. These should not exceed 1,500 words.
Book reviews should not contain footnotes or endnotes.
All book reviews, whether solicited or otherwise, will be subject to a review process, and a request to write a review or receiving a review copy from us are no guarantee of publication. Any connection to the author/editors of the book should be declared by the reviewer at the time of submission (or earlier if requesting a copy).
It is expected that reviewers will upload their review, in MS Word format, to ScholarOne within two months of receipt of the book. If this is not possible the Publications Editor should be notified as soon as possible at iclq@biicl.org.
Please visit www.cambridge.org/core/services/open-access-policies for information on our open access policies, compliance with major funding bodies, and guidelines on depositing your manuscript in an institutional repository.
Reviewers are asked to read the Book Review Guidance detailed below before submitting reviews or review proposals, and to adhere to the Style Guide overleaf when writing reviews.
Book Review Guidance
Reviews should normally address the following issues:
1. The structure and contents of the book.
2. The intended target audience of thebook.
3. What is the overall perspective adopted/argument advanced by the book?
4. How does this perspective/argument add to the body of existing literature in the field?
5. How convincing is the argument(s) set out by the author? A viewer might want to subject a specific chapter(s) to more detailed analysis in the light of the book's overall argument. Are there any major/minor omissions that impede/weaken the overall argument made in the book?
6. Issues of style-how clearly written/accessible is the book? (bearing in mind target audience) - how accurate is the factual material relied upon in support of the main arguments?
7. Does the author succeed in doing what he/she set out to do? How is the book likely to be viewed by members of the target audience?
ICLQ Book Review Style Guide
1. Layout
• All book reviews should be submitted in 12-point font, single-spaced,with margins of at least 2.5 cm in Microsoft Word only (please do not submit a pdf).
• The review should be headed with the book details as follows:
Title byAUTHOR [Publisher,Year, ISBN: xxx-x-xx-xxxxxx-x,#pp, £price,h/bk (or p/bk)]
• A footnote indicated by an asterisk (*) should be appended to your name, supplying your present affiliation and including any acknowledgements that you wish to make, followed by your email address.
• Other footnotes should not be used in book reviews unless it is absolutely necessary to refer directly to another work. References to the book being reviewed should simply indicate a page or chapter number within the text. Where footnotes are used, they should follow the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). Footnote cues should appear after the punctuation mark.
• New paragraphs should be indented, except for the first paragraph in a section. All sentences shouldbe separated by a single space and double spaces should not be used.
• The ICLQ uses the following heading levels (nomore than two heading levels should be used in book reviews):
A. Second-level Subheading
• Quotations of fewer than three lines should be set in single quotation marks within the main text, with double quotation marks reserved for quotations within quotations. Longer quotations should begin on a new line, without quotation marks, and all the lines should be equally indented. However, the first line after the quotation extract is not indented.
2. Points of Style
• All abbreviations should be spelled out in first use with the abbreviation following in brackets, eg ‘European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)’,and should not be followed or separated by a full stop.
• Words that have become part of theEnglish language should not be italicized (adhoc, ibid,de facto,ex officio,perse,etc),but phrases in other languages should be italicized.
• Numerals should be written out up to and including ten; 11 and above should be given in figures.
• The serial comma (ie the one before ‘and’ in ‘peace, war, and defence’) should not be used.
• Words omitted from quotations should be indicated by three full stops.
• Spelling should follow the Oxford English Dictionary or the Concise Oxford Dictionary. For the ‘-ise’ / ‘-ize’sound expressed as ‘z’,use z instead of s.
• For all other points of style not covered in this guide, please refer to the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA).
Last updated May 2021