The following interesting inscription, recently found at Rome not far from the Piazza di S. Pietro, and probably belonging to the Phrygianum which is known to have existed in that region (the XIVth), was published by Comparetti and Marucchi in Not. d. Scav. xix. (1922), p. 81 sqq. It occupied one side (broken, unfortunately) of an altar, on two other sides of which are Metroac symbols (see Marucchi, l.c.). As, after careful examination of a plaster-cast of the inscription which Dr. Ashby very kindly procured for me from the original (now in the Museo Profano Lateranese), I disagree with some of Comparetti's readings, and differ widely from him as to the meaning, I re-edit it, at Mr. M. N. Tod's suggestion.
It is in elegiac verse, of which six complete lines and a few letters of a seventh survive. The lettering is fairly regular, the characters of v. 4 being perhaps a shade larger than in the other lines. The date is about the third century A.D. I give it in ordinary type with the usual epigraphical signs. The supplements are Comparetti's, unless otherwise stated in the critical notes.