Book Review
(E.) Heitsch Antiphon aus Rhamnus. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, geistes-und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Jg 1984: 3.) Wiesbaden: Steiner (for Akademie der Wiss. und Lit., Mainz). 1984. Pp. 129. DM 46.80.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 213-214
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(R.) Ferber Platos Idee des Guten. Sankt Augustin: H. Richarz. 1984. Pp. 254. DM 39.50.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 214-215
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(W. M.) Zeitler Entscheidungsfreiheit bei Platon. (Zetemata, 78.) Munich: Beck. 1983. Pp. xi + 191. DM 59.
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- 11 October 2013, p. 215
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(T.) Engberg-Pedersen Aristotle's theory of moral insight. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1983. Pp. xii + 291. £20.00.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 215-216
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(R.) Bodéüs Le philosophe et la cité: recherches sur les rapports entre morale et politique dans la pensée d'Aristote. (Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophic et Lettres, Liege, 235.) Paris: Les Belles Lettres. 1982. Pp. 264. Price not stated.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 216-217
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(C.) Ferretto La città dissipatrice: studi sull'excursus de libro decimo dei Philippika di Teopompo. (Universitá, 13: series historica, 2.) Genoa: Il Melangolo. 1984. Pp. 149. L 15,000.
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- 11 October 2013, p. 217
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(J.) Malitz Die Historien des Poseidonios. (Zetemata, 79.) Munich: Beck. 1983. Pp. [vii] + 486. DM 122.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 217-218
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Galen. On respiration and the arteries: an edition with English translation and commentary of De usu respirationis, An in arteriis natura sanguis contineatur, De usu pulsuum, and De causis respirationis. By D. J. Furley and J. S. Wilkie. Princeton: University Press. 1984. Pp. vii + 289. £27.60.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 218-219
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Cambridge History of Classical Literature. Ed. P. E. Easterling and B. M. W. Knox. 1. Greek literature. Cambridge, etc.: University Press. 1985. Pp. xv + 936, 8 plates. £47.50.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 219-221
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(A. P.) Burnett Three archaic poets: Archilochus, Alcaeus, Sappho. London: Duckworth. 1983. Pp. viii + 320. £24.00.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 221-222
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(B.) Gentili Poesia e pubblico nella Grecia antica da Omero al V secolo. (Collezione storica.) Bari: Laterza. 1984. Pp. ix + 414. L 36,000.
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- 11 October 2013, p. 223
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(J. M.) Walton The Greek sense of theatre: tragedy reviewed. (University paperbacks, 873.) London and New York: Methuen. 1984. Pp. x + 177. £10.50 (bound), £4.95 (paper).
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- 11 October 2013, p. 223
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(G.) Anderson Ancient fiction: the novel in the Graeco-Roman world. London and Sydney: Croom Helm and Totowa: Barnes and Noble. 1984. Pp. vii + 248. £18.95.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 223-224
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(L. R.) Palmer The Greek Language. (The great languages.) London and Boston: Faber and Faber. 1980. Pp. xii + 355, 6 text figs. £25.00.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 224-225
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(V.) Bers Greek poetic syntax in the classical age. (Yale classical monographs, 5.) New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1984. Pp. xix + 218. £18.00.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 225-226
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(M.) Caveing Zénon d'Élée: prolégomènes aux doctrines du continu. Étude historique et critique des fragments et témoignages. (Histoire des doctrines de l'antiquité classique, 7.) Paris: J. Vrin. 1982. Pp. 242. Fr. 84.
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- 11 October 2013, p. 226
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(R.) Kraut Socrates and the state. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1984. Pp. xi + 338. £18.60.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 226-227
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(E.) Asmis Epicurus' scientific method. (Cornell studies in classical philology, 42.) Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. 1984. Pp. 385. $49.50.
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 227-231
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(T.-S.) Lee Die griechische Tradition der aristotelischen Syllogistik in der Spätantike: eine Untersuchung über die Kommentare zu den analytica priora von Alexander Aphrodisiensis, Ammonius und Philoponus. (Hypomnemata, 79.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1984. Pp. 146. DM 32.
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- 11 October 2013, p. 231
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(S.) Ebbesen Commentators and commentaries on Aristotle's Sophistici elenchi: a study of post-Aristotelian ancient and medieval writings on fallacies. 1. The Greek tradition. Pp. ix + 355. 2. Greek texts and fragments of the Latin translation of “Alexander's” Commentary. Pp. xxxvii + 556. 3. Appendices, Danish summary, indices. Pp. iv + 415. (Corpus latinum commentariorum in Aristotelem graecorum 7, 1—3.) Leiden: Brill. 1981. Fl. 192 (3 vols).
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- 11 October 2013, pp. 231-233
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