Developmental Editing
Manuscripts that are accepted with major or minor revisions are generally sent for developmental editing by a member of the journal’s editing staff. Developmental editing is intended to hone the argument, improve the prose, and respond to any revisions recommended by the co-editors or the external reviewer. A manuscript may undergo multiple rounds of developmental editing.
Citation and Proposition Checking
Once a final draft has been prepared, the journal’s student editors check the propositions and citations. The student editors will verify all cited material that is accessible through Emory University libraries, but the author may be asked to verify inaccessible sources and sources in languages other than English.
Following citation and proposition checking, the manuscript is copyedited by a professional copyeditor. The copyeditor will correspond directly with the author to review the edits and finalize the manuscript for typesetting.
Typesetting and Page Proofs
Once the article is typeset, the author will have one final opportunity to review the page proofs and to make any final corrections. The managing editor will also review the proofs and make final corrections before publication.
FirstView Publication
All manuscripts publish online using Cambridge FirstView as soon as production is complete. An article may publish online several weeks or months ahead of print publication. FirstView articles are individually paginated and will be repaginated for the print version.
Print Publication
Once an issue is complete, it publishes in print and republishes online. FirstView articles are removed at this point, and the DOI will now direct readers to the online version of the print article. JLR publishes print issues in January, May, and September.
Funding open access
Multiple funding routes are available for Gold Open Access articles. Please see this journal's open access options for details.
Once an article has been accepted, the process of copyediting, proofing, typesetting and publishing the article will begin.
Your point of contact will be the content manager of the journal. For more information about how production works, please see our information on publishing an accepted paper, which explains how an article goes from accepted manuscript to fully published. There may be small differences between journals with this process. You can also check our Journal Production FAQs.
Changes cannot be made to articles once published either online in FirstView or as part of an issue. Any changes must be made via the standard process of issuing a correction notice. Please contact the Editorial Office and Content Manager for the journal if any error has been identified. The final decision on whether a correction notice should be published will be taken by the Publisher in consultation with the Editorial Team. For more information please refer to our FAQs.