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MRS journals, including the Journal of Materials Research, MRS Communications, and MRS Energy & Sustainability—A Review Journal, encourage submissions from all qualified authors, including its principal editors, associate editors and editors-in-chief. In order to avoid situations of real or perceived conflicts of interest, it is the goal of the journals to conduct the review of papers authored by editors using the same high ethical standards that are used for the review of all MRS journal submissions.
MRS Policy on Publication Ethics and Responsibilities
One of the constitutional objectives of the Materials Research Society is to disseminate information relevant to the interest of the materials community. The MRS Bulletin, Journal of Materials Research, MRS Communications, MRS Energy & Sustainability – A Review Journal, and the MRS Symposium Proceedings fulfill part of this mission by publishing the results of original scientific research and overviews of the field. The policy outlined here has been endorsed by MRS to ensure that the information has been generated, processed, and published using the highest ethical standards.
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