The Automobile Association, Ordnance Survey, Philips BV and Robert Bosch GmbH are collaborating in a project to create and test a prototype navigation database. The project, (PANDORA–Prototyping A Navigation Database Of Road-network Attributes) which is being managed by consultants MVA Systematica, is supported by the European Community's DRIVE initiative.
The data requirements of future vehicle navigation systems such as CARIN from Philips, Travelpilot/EVA from Bosch and the Autoguide scheme for London have been examined. Digital street networks have been extracted mainly from Ordnance Survey's large-scale digital mapping, and the necessary road and traffic attributes have been collected by the AA. These data have been integrated into a specially-designed prototype database for parts of London and Birmingham and the major interconnecting roads. Data have been abstracted from the database and supplied to Bosch and Philips using the Geographic Data Files (GDF) standard developed in the DEMETER project. This dataset is being tested in field trials using prototype vehicle navigation systems. The dataset will also be provided to the DRIVE Project ‘Task Forc European Digital Road Map’ as benchmark test task number 12.
This paper describes the project, dealing with its objectives and relationship to other European initiatives, the work undertaken, the standards utilized and developed, its results and conclusions, and the lessons learned with respect to provision of data for larger areas of Europe. A glossary of technical terms and abbreviations is also included.