Aims and Scope
Journal of Nonlinear Waves is the home for the field of nonlinear wave phenomena, broadly defined. It publishes authoritative articles both on theoretical aspects of nonlinear waves grounded in applications and on experimental investigations that have direct connection to the mathematics of nonlinear waves. The journal invites papers on fundamental contributions to nonlinear waves and applications in many physical settings including optics, condensed matter, fluid dynamics, geophysics, material science, plasma physics, and biological systems.
Topical areas:
- Nonlinear waves in the physical and applied sciences
- Applied integrable and non-integrable systems
- Dispersive hydrodynamics
- Solitary waves and soliton theory
- Deterministic and random nonlinear wave phenomena
- Nonlinear waves in lattices
- Numerical methods for nonlinear wave models
- Scientific computation and data-driven methods for nonlinear waves.
- Asymptotic and variational methods for nonlinear wave problems
- Modelling and experiments related to nonlinear waves
- Dynamical systems approaches to nonlinear wave problems
- Nonlinear wave modulation theory
- Nonlinear waves in dissipative systems
- Stability of nonlinear waves
- Lagrangian and Hamiltonian nonlinear wave mechanics
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