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Review process

This journal uses a double-anonymous model of peer review. Neither author nor reviewers know the identity of each other. 

Submissions which are clearly not suitable for the Journal are declined at the initial review stage on the joint decision of the Editor and one further member of the Editorial Board (who receives the submission in anonymised form). If an article is declined at the initial review stage, the author may expect to be notified within two weeks. All other submissions are circulated at the Editor’s discretion to a minimum of two academic referees, at least one of whom will normally be a member of the Board; where appropriate, submissions may also be assessed by other specialist readers. In order to ensure maximum impartiality, all submissions are circulated to reviewers (including to those on the Board) without indication of authorship. The process of refereeing necessarily takes time, but authors may expect to receive a verdict within four to five months of submission. The Journal does not currently have a backlog of papers awaiting publication. Detailed comments are normally sent only to authors of submissions which have been sent for full peer review, or which are thought suitable for resubmission. Authors are frequently invited to revise submissions in the light of such comments.


To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the Editor (at and specify the reason for your appeal. 

Your appeal will be reviewed by the Editor and/or an Editor who did not review the manuscript. The final decision regarding your appeal will rest with the JRS Editor and Editorial Committee.