Research Article
Jump equivalence of the Δ20 hyperimmune sets1
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 598-600
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- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 751-752
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Research Article
Semantics for relevant logics
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 159-169
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- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 402
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Richard M. Gale. The language of time. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, and Humanities Press, New York, 1968, viii + 248 pp.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 170-172
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Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam. Reductions of Hilbert's tenth problem. The Journal of symbolic logic, vol. 23 no. 2 (for 1958, pub. 1959), pp. 183–187.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 601
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- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 402
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Janusz Chmielewski. La logica degli antichi Cinesi. Rivista degli studi orientali, vol. 38 (1963), pp. 161–168.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 752
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Hilary Putnam. An unsolvable problem in number theory. The Journal of symbolic logic, vol. 25 no. 3 (for 1960, pub. 1962), pp. 220–232.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 601-602
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C. Goekoop. The logic of invariable concomitance in the Tattvacintāmaṇi, Gaṅgeśa's Anumitinirūpaṇa and Vyāptivāda, with introduction, translation, and commentary. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht1967, X + 162 pp.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 172-173
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Hilary Putnam. Mathematics without foundations. The journal of philosophy, vol. 64 (1967), pp. 5–22.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 402-404
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- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 752-753
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Mariko Yasugi. Intuitionistic analysis and Gödel's interpretation. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, vol. 15 (1963), pp. 101–112.
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- 12 March 2014, p. 404
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Atwell R. Turquette. Modality, minimality, and many-valuedness. Proceedings of a Colloquium on Modal and Many-valued Logics, Helsinki, 23–26 August, 1962, Acta philosophica Fennica, no. 16, Helsinki 1963, pp. 261–276.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 753-754
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Martin Davis. Applications of recursive function theory to number theory. Recursive function theory, Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics, vol. 5, American Mathematical Society, Providence1962, pp. 135–138.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 602
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R. M. Martin. Existential quantification and the “regimentation” of ordinary language. Mind, n.s. vol. 71 (1962), pp. 525–529.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, pp. 173-174
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G. E. Hughes and M. J. Cresswell. An introduction to modal logic. A second printing, with corrections, of XXXVI 328. Methuen and Co Ltd, London, and Barnes and Noble, Inc., New York, 1972, xii + 388 pp.; also a University Paperback, ibid. 1972, xii + 388 pp.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 754
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Jean van Heijenoort. Introductory note. From Frege to Gödel, A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1967, pp. 1–5. Reprinted in Frege and Gödel, Two fundamental texts in mathematical logic, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970, pp. 1–5. - Gottlob Frege. Begriffsschrift, a formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought. English translation of 491 by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg. From Frege to Gödel, A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1967, pp. 5–82. Reprinted in Frege and Gödel, Two fundamental texts in mathematical logic, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970, pp. 5–82. - Jean van Heijenoort. Introductory note. From Frege to Gödel, A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1967, pp. 592–595. Reprinted in Frege and Gödel, Two fundamental texts in mathematical logic, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970, pp. 83–86. - Kurt Gödel. Some metamathematical results on completeness and consistency. English translation of 4181 by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg. From Frege to Gödel, A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1967, pp. 595–596. Reprinted in Frege and Gödel, Two fundamental texts in mathematical logic, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970, pp. 86–87. - Kurt Gödel. On formally undecidable propositions of Principia mathematica and related systems I. English translation of 4183 by Jean van Heijenoort. From Frege to Gödel, A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1967, pp. 596–616. Reprinted in Frege and Gödel, Two fundamental texts in mathematical logic, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970, pp. 87–107. - Kurt Gödel. On completeness and consistency. English translation of 4188 by Jean van Heijenoort. From Frege to Gödel, A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1967, pp. 616–617. Reprinted in Frege and Gödel, Two fundamental texts in mathematical logic, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970, pp. 107–108.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 405
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Lars Svenonius. Definability and simplicity. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 20 (1955), pp. 235–250.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 174
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Martin Davis. One equation to rule them all. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, ser. 2 vol. 30 no. 6 (1968), pp. 766–773.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 March 2014, p. 602
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