We have now to give some examples of compound benefits, which are those consisting of two or more simple benefits; but the combinations which may be formed of these being obviously very numerous, it would be beside our present purpose to attempt giving a complete list of them. Our object will be, in selecting a few of them for illustration, to indicate the method of dealing with the more complicated cases, and also to prepare the way for the most general application of the Commutation Tables, which application will form the subject of the concluding portion of this paper. A very complete list of the formulae for the more elementary of these benefits is contained in Professor De Morgan's first paper on the subject; and as it is hoped that little difficulty will be experienced with these, after the illustrations to which our space limits us, we shall not scruple, as we have occasion, in the solution of any of the problems with which the present paper will be occupied, to refer to any of the learned gentleman's formulæ which we may not have deduced for ourselves. Our references will be made in the following manner, which is rendered necessary in consequence of the formulae not forming one consecutive series. Formula 10, on page 16, for example, will be denoted thus, [16,10]; formula 72, on page 18, thus, [18, 72]; and so on.