The following is the correction for printing errors that occurred in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Vol. 1, No. 1. In the Dialogue Section the paper “A Process-Based View of Memory” has the name of an author spelt “Neuman” when it should be “Neumann.” On page 113, in the left column 3 lines from the bottom of the page, there is an in-text reference printed as Tajika & Neuman (1992). Next, on page 114, near the bottom of the right column is that entry in the reference section printed as Tajika & Neuman (1989). The date for this reference should be (1992), so that this reference entry should have stated:
Tajika, H. & Neumann, E. (1992). Effects of memory test instructions on dissociations between explicit and implicit measures of retention. Psychologia—An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient, 35, 76–83.