Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that fall within the focus of the journal. Manuscripts eligible for submission must be unpublished in any language and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Latin American Research Review (LARR) considers and publishes work in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. LARR does not publish translations of previously published material and does not translate accepted articles. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material (including illustrations) for which they do not hold copyright.
Article types
Latin American Research Review publishes the following article types:
- Articles*
- Debates*
- Research Notes*
- Book Review Essays*
- Documentary Film Review Essays*
- Dossiers*
- Editorials**
Research articles Research articles report original research relating to Latin America which will be of interest to a multidisciplinary audience and accessible to a general academic readership. Articles must not exceed 10,000 words including notes and references. LARR publishes research articles in the humanities and social sciences, including the following fields: anthropology, economics, history, literature and cultural studies, politics and international relations, and sociology.
Debates The new debates section of LARR is a space for theoretical and epistemological reflections on the field of Latin American studies. The section publishes essays in any social science or humanities discipline that redefine and advance the field of Latin American studies, contrast perspectives originating in Latin America with those arising from the global North or elsewhere, discuss the conditions of production of Latin Americanist knowledge, and beyond. Essays must be of interest to an interdisciplinary audience and accessible to a general academic readership. Debates essays must not exceed 10,000 words including notes and references, are reviewed by a member of the editorial team and, if deemed suitable, are sent for external peer review. Submissions are open and, occasionally, by invitation.
Research notes Research notes are brief reports (of 7,000 words or less) introducing primary sources or materials of relevance to the broader academic community. Research notes may introduce historical archives, new data sets in the social sciences, field reports in anthropology, or novel sources in the digital humanities. Resources discussed in research notes should be available to other researchers in Latin American studies.
Dossiers LARR is currently accepting proposals for dossiers. Please contact the editor in chief with a brief proposal stating your idea, the proposed authors, and the abstracts of their papers. Dossier introductions should include an extensive account of the existing literature on the topic and offer an argument about the new directions for research that the dossier contributions are offering. The introduction should range from 2500 to 5000 words.
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. All or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access. For authors not covered by an agreement, and without APC funding, please see this journal's open access options for instructions on how to request an APC waiver.
** No APCs are required for these article types.