If thou wilt devoutly hail this glorious virgin, first consider her worthy muchness: what she is; she is God's Mother, worthier might she not be, and therefore with mirth and with wondering raise up worthyness to God's Mother and say to her here with reverence thus: Salve— Hail; and with that word stint into beholding and say: Lady! though I vilest and unworthiest of all creatures presume for to come to thy presence and to greet thee, thou art queen of heaven, lady of angels, mother of God, nevertheless I trust on thine unmeasurable meekness that thou wilt suffer me. And therefore thou, thou that be God's ark, without comparison worthier and holier than the ark of the Old Testament that Moses made, and I arm much worse and uncleaner than Oza was, nevertheless Lady I trow that if I touch thee with devotion of heart, and greet thee with my mouth, I shall not be smitten to death ns Oza was, that touched Moses's ark, hut I hope to he quickened and more inflamed with thy love, for to say to thee heartily oft, salve Regina—Hail Queen! Well is me that I have such a queen, and such a lady, under whose rule and ladyship I may lead my life.