Book Reviews
Anne Digby and John Stewart (eds), Gender, health and welfare, London and New York, Routledge, 1996, pp. x, 239, £40.00 (0-415-12886-2).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 391-392
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A C Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modem thought, London and Rio Grande, Hambledon Press, 1996, pp. xvi, 516, £40.00 (1-85285-067-1).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 99-100
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Robert Baker (ed.), The codification of medical morality: historical and philosophical studies of the formalization of western medical morality in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, vol. 2, Anglo-American medical ethics and medical jurisprudence in the nineteenth century, Philosophy and Medicine, vol. 49, Dordrecht and London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, pp. x, 238, £74.00, $122.00 (0-7923-3528-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 500-502
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Irving Loudon (ed.), Childbed fever: a documentary history, Diseases, Epidemics, and Medicine series, New York and London, Garland Publishing, 1995, pp. xvii, 224, $43.00 (0-8153-1079-X).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 230-231
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MDH volume 41 supplement 17 Front matter
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- 16 August 2012, pp. f1-f4
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Jeffrey P Baker, The machine in the nursery: incubator technology and the origins of newborn intensive care, Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, pp. x, 247, illus., £37.00 (0-8018-5173-4).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 392-393
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Charlotte G Borst, Catching babies: the professionalization of childbirth, 1870–1920, Cambridge, Mass., and London, Harvard University Press, 1995, pp. xi, 254, £25.50 (0-674-10262-2).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 231-232
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Darrel W Amundsen, Medicine, society, and faith in the ancient and medieval worlds, Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, pp. xv, 391, £33.00 (0-8010-5109-2).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 100-101
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F E G Cox (ed.), The Wellcome Trust illustrated history of tropical diseases, London, The Wellcome Trust, 1996, pp. 452, illus., £35.00 (plus p&p £5.00, cheques payable to: The Wellcome Trust) (1869835-86-7). Orders to: Charlotte Emery, The Publishing Department, The Wellcome Trust, 210 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 502-503
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Olwen Hufton, The prospect before her: a history of women in western Europe, volume one, 1500–1800, London, HarperCollins, 1995, pp. xiv, 654, illus., £25.00 (0-0-255120-9).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 232-233
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Janet Golden, A social history of wet nursing in America: from breast to bottle, Cambridge History of Medicine series, Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. xiii, 215, £40.00, $54.95 (0-521-49544-X).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 393-394
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Marie-Luise Windemuth, Das Hospital als Träger der Armenfürsorge im Mittelalter, Sudhoffs Archiv, Beiheft 36, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 1995, pp. 164, illus., DM/SFR 66.00.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 101-102
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Bernard Harris, The health of the schoolchild: a history of the school medical service in England and Wales, Buckingham and Philadelphia, Open University Press, 1995, pp. x, 260, £45.00 (hardback 0-335-09995-5), £16.90 (paperback 0-335-09994-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 503-504
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Alexander Monro (Primus), The professor's daughter: an essay on female conduct, transcribed, with introduction and notes by P A G Monro MD, Proceedings of the Royal College ofPhysicians of Edinburgh, January 1996, vol. 26, no. 1, Supplement No. 2, pp. xi, 237, illus., £7.50 (incl. postage), orders to Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 9 Queen St, Edinburgh EH2 lJQ.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 233-234
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Christa Hagenmeyer, Das Regimen Sanitatis Konrads von Eichstätt, Sudhoffs Archiv, Beiheft 35, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 1995, pp. 262, no price given (3-515-06510-5).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 102-103
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Martin Dinges (ed.), Weltgeschichte der Homoopathie. Länder—Schulen—Heilkundige, Munich, C H Beck, 1996, pp. 445, illus., DM 58.00 (3-406-40700-5).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 504-505
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Socrates Litsios, The tomorrow of malaria, Wellington, NZ, Pacific Press, 1996, pp. 181 (0-9583418-3-4).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 394-395
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Linne R Mooney, The index of Middle English prose, handlist XI: manuscripts in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, Cambridge, D S Brewer, 1995, pp. xxxviii, 251, £45.00, $63.00 (0-85991-457-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 103-104
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Henry Friedlander, The origins of Nazi genocide: from euthanasia to the final solution, Chapel Hill and London, University of North Carolina Press, 1995, pp. xxiii, 421, $34.95 (0-8078-2208-6).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 395-396
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David J Rothman, Steve Marcus, Stephanie A Kiceluk (eds), Medicine and western civilization, New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1995, pp. xiii, 442, $50.00 (hardback 0-8135-2189-0), $22.95 (paperback 0-8135-2190-4). - William G Rothstein (ed.), Readings in American health care: current issues in sociohistorical perspective, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1995, pp. xiv, 412, £44.95, (hardback 0-299-14530-1); £16.00 (paperback 0-299-14534-4).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 234-236
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